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  • Jailbroken
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    Fire 7
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  1. Just a little update. The unlimited embers and 'godmode' work great. However there seems to be an issue of it crashing and breaking after a few hours play. The only way to fix that I've found is to uninstall the app and reinstall the mod again. It's happened a couple of times now - Each play lasts a few hours before 'breaking' - Screen goes black, but you can still see "Godmode: Off" and "MODDED BY THEARMKING" in bottom right of screen. The rest is blacked out with no sound. Not sure what that is, but we still don't mind. I'll uninstall and reinstall forever as long as princess is happy! ;-) Thanks again.
  2. To TheArmKing: I Just wanted to thank you SO much for modding this game, you have just made a 4-year-old little girl VERY, VERY happy. We've actually spent over £100 buying embers for the original game in the last few days as my daughter loves it, but it's getting ridiculous, I just couldn't afford to pay anymore and she was watching ads hundreds of times to earn 50 embers (lasts no time at all). I was about to delete the game and she was getting upset about it. The games developers are just fleecing us for everything we have and the game is unbalanced in that you can get through £5 worth of embers in 10 minutes (well, my 4-year-old can!). Normally I wouldn't go looking for hacked games, I'm happy to pay my bit toward the time and effort that went into coding them, but this game is getting ridiculous and we can't buy it outright. I think we've paid our fair share already. Now that this has worked, she is ecstatic and can "buy" other horses and play all the levels (she doesn't even want 'godmode', the unlimited embers are enough!!) So thanks again, you are a complete god to her right now! Thank you, thank you!!
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