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ViP Pro
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  • iDevice
    iPhone Xs Max
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  • Jailbroken
  • Android Device
    Mate 10 pro
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    8 & 6gb
  • Rooted

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  1. @Laxus Could you pls fix Godmode as it’s not working after the latest update.
  2. Keeps saying ‘battle verification fail’ in one of the stages
  3. Can this updated pls, cuz it’s been crashing at the main menu?
  4. How does silver and soul multiplier work? I put 10 and whenever I collect my soul, my soul meter turns empty and doesn’t fill up
  5. How does the multiply currency and custom stuff work?
  6. Why does it keep saying not enough storage when I have more than enough? @Laxus
  7. @Laxuspossible for vip non jb?
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