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    iPhone 14 Pro Max
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  1. I can't install from sideloady. I had errors. " ERROR: Guru Meditation b4822c@1701:a26021 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '...' Install failed: Guru Meditation b4822c@1701:a26021 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '...'"
  2. I installed your new updates but it was same. I didn’t open any features. Login -> go to the stage -> attack the monsters -> stuck or freeze the screen. I tried my iPhone and iPad.
  3. Same here. I stuck in the stage before I begin to attack the monsters.
  4. I stuck when the stage begin. Same here. Please check @Rook. Thank you
  5. Please update this game on iosgod app. There are some errors on .deb. I can not login the game.
  6. Hi bro. You should find Sap character to attack. I am doing well.
  7. Bạn có zalo không. Mình nhờ chút 

    1. trangtran1989


      co gi ko ong?

    2. tung2291


      Cho m thuê acc vip tải game hack được không. M chỉ chơi 1 game nên k muốn mua

    3. trangtran1989


      Có vụ thuê nữa bạn. Bō tiền ra mua để tránh mất lòng. Tránh lua gạt và block account nha bạn.

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