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  1. Thank you for this great hack! I will enjoy it!
  2. @@JGodderz, thank you for sharing this awesome hack. It works perfectly and have been able to get the crates for free and change color, etc all for free! Thanks again
  3. @, thanks for this cool hack!
  4. @@DiDA, thank you for making this awesome hack that made this game more fun to play!
  5. @@RecklessRevolt, did the game cheats work on this newer version 1.5? It works fine on the older version 1.4, but I didn't want to update the game to version 1.5 until I heard if the cheat worked on it too. Thanks,
  6. Wow, nice hack! Thank you for all your work on getting this out to us!
  7. Wow, nice hack! Thank you for your work on getting this out so quickly.
  8. After getting the cars and upgrades I turned off the hack. I have been playing it everyday and I have not been banned yet.
  9. @@Ianouar3G, thank you for your dedication and hard work in making the "God Mode" hack work!!!
  10. @, Thanks for your hard work on getting this out to us! It works perfectly.
  11. God Mode, Nice upgrade to your awesome hack! Thank you
  12. @@Ianouar3G, thanks for the cool hack! It is working perfect for me. Not anymore, now I'm getting an error saying I don't have enough storage, but I do.
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