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    iPhone 7 Plus
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  1. Thanks! Any chance of a non-jailbreak version?
  2. This is a good question actually. Also, is it possible to add more purchase amounts to the Princess Dreams? Because at the moment its still limited to purchasing one (1) per day, so if you're unlucky then you only get one princess dream per day. Thanks for the update anyways!
  3. +1 @Dav0O7 Please include the app icon in the original post http://prntscr.com/lbo959
  4. Thanks for the update @gogigogi1 there are a couple of things that seems to have gone awry. the VIP point hack doesn’t seems to be working. Clicking on the purple star tag crashes the app. And upgrading the marketplace stores seems to be a little broken.
  5. The problem is, in 5 days the halloween event ends, do we know if they are going to make another update to the game then? @gogigogi1 - If you can reply, please let us know if you are planning to update the hack. If you can't reply here for some reason please send a PM Thanks!
  6. @gogigogi1 any chance for an update on the VIP jailbroken one? Thanks!
  7. +1
  8. Does anyone know if @gogigogi1 is working on updating the hack yet?
  9. He might still get banned. they don’t always insta ban. They often flag the account for follow up.
  10. @gogigogi1 The new update was released today, any chance for an update on the hack? Thanks for the awesome hack btw!
  11. Thanks DiDa, I'll give it a try with Parallels, CrossOver doesn't work unfortunately.
  12. I get the same error on Mac, tried a few different archive utilities. None of them are able to update a file in an archive, so you're forced to extract it then re-compress it and in this process something doesn't go right and then Cydia cannot read the info.plist @DiDA
  13. This is very interesting, I used the hack on my legit account (1 month playing 100% legit, even bought a few small packs to make it more legit). I then used the hack, which caused the Prism power to drop to 0, which made my total power drop by over 100k. And I got banned by that same night. I think the system detects any DRASTIC change in power, an amount that shouldn't be happening either up or down. I did other things that may have contributed, I only bought 1 fortune chest and 2 crusher chests. I bought some energy in the store to do guild raids (Which may or not not have affected the ban time frame). But I think Dark Light is on to something when he says the Stars of your hero affect your power, you can buy chests but DO NOT use the medals you get to evolve your heroes. do ONE hero PER DAY and don't go up more than one star level for that hero, you can take 2 heroes from 2 star to 3 star, thats not huge, but taking 2 heroes to 4 star on the same day does make a difference. and taking ANY hero to 5 star if you only had him at 2 or 3 star that same morning WILL GET YOU BANNED. Be smart, don't evolve the SAME hero EVERY DAY. Evolve one hero once a week, and work on the other heroes on the other days, work out a plan in your head and stick to it. It might seem counter intuitive to work slowly when you're hacking the game but trust me, working slowly with the hack still gets you much further than working hard without the hack. Happy hunting folks, may the ban hammer never find us. And if it does, we hope it breaks when it hits our asses.
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