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Posts posted by pene123

  1. THIS HACK IS STILL SAFE just okay smart, I’ve been playing using slider and DLG I only use the antenna and standing Scope codes and haven’t been banned since, I did some testing and I found that using magic bullet causes ban, so please don’t use magic Bullet, also out of 5 games I only win 1 or 2 and the rest I let myself get killed while in the top 10 so I don’t get detected, don’t do more than 10 kills be smart 

  2. 3 hours ago, tiagobatistaa said:
    original game without changes only with DLG built-in

    Yes that’s what we need last update we could play without any ban just with the DLG 

    What we really need is that the normal game with only DLG, last update we could play without any ban just with the DLG so remove grass we just need to input the code and that’s all 

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