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  1. @Rook My “iOSGods App+ is not available” still. Is there a revoke or something? Because I’ve been trying to open it but it’s been like a week and it still won’t. I have membership for it so don’t know what’s going on.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RavinoBot


      @RyuKira Y’all should DM him using status update for these type of stuff isn’t correct way 

    3. RyuKira


      already done even after that it still does not answer it is necessary death

    4. RavinoBot


      @RyuKira  app+ requires premium certificate to work Apple has been on all 3rd party apps like us making sure all certificate gets revoked PLEASE use our alternative to download ur fav games/apps with sideloadly it does require pc to use 

    5. RyuKira


      can you refund my purchase for the app+ as it doesn't work 

    6. RavinoBot


      @RyuKirai can not I am only a helper not a mod only RooK can give you refund 

  2. Played around 2 matches then my game crashed. I tried to open the game again and it keeps crashing. @X204
  3. I already got banned. Best of luck for your future improvements!
  4. @AlyssaX64 The game keeps freezing. I opened and closed the game several times to see if it fixes it, but all it does is go to the next frame and freeze again. EDIT: Nvm, I got it to work and turned on unlimited currency just to get banned instantly. Hack doesn’t work, couldn’t even get into the tutorial fight.
  5. Just tried to install a game and it works now. Thanks for helping out! Also, I thought that when I bought App+, it would be ViP for that as well. It didn’t cross my mind that my iOSGods ViP+ membership would link with the App+ until you said that. 😭😭 No worries though, will buy a ViP membership again. Thanks for the help again, Rook!
  6. Hello, everyone. As stated in the title, I am having problems with App+. My App+ membership is valid until 2025, but am unable to install anything. It also says I am a free member?
  7. Hack doesn’t work. I just completed tutorial and had turned on reward multiplier only to get banned straight away. I didn’t even play a match, just got my profile blocked the next second. @AlyssaX64
  8. Hello, everyone. As said in the title, I am unable to download via Sideloadly. When I tried to download a game, it tells me that my "Session expired, login required" I did which then leads to my apple ID authentication, where I put in my password. However, it then says that "Fatal error. Sideloading failed." If anyone can help me with this, I would really appreciate it.
  9. Sure! I custom installed it using iOSGods App+, if it helps.
  10. Okay, It’s fine. The infinite energy should be able to allow me to grind without waiting for too long!
  11. @Laxus The infinite energy seems to work, but the reward multiplier doesn’t? I turned it on and when I collected the rewards I only got the stated ones. It wasn’t multiplied.
  12. @KyosukeNanbu Hacks doesn’t seem to work. Tried the cash hacks, bought and sold items with it on, but still nothing. The infinite stamina doesn’t work as well.
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