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Posts posted by IK_IK

  1. 7 minutes ago, Rider11111 said:

    // Token: 0x06001FAF RID: 8111 RVA: 0x00002050 File Offset: 0x00000250
        [Token(Token = "0x6001FAF")]
        [Address(RVA = "0x250F8D8", Offset = "0x250F8D8", VA = "0x250F8D8")]
        public void SetShoot2xCooldownAccumulator(short accumulator)

    which PATCH for this one? please help me


    Just now, Rider11111 said:

    its for all offsets?



  2. Just now, Rider11111 said:

    [Token(Token = "0x17000014")]
            public static float CurrentSpeed
                [Token(Token = "0x60000A0")]
                [Address(RVA = "0x3BD17FC", Offset = "0x3BD17FC", VA = "0x3BD17FC")]
                    return 0f;
                [Token(Token = "0x600009F")]
                [Address(RVA = "0x3BD1770", Offset = "0x3BD1770", VA = "0x3BD1770")]

    offset 3BD17FC

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