I use XMG Accelerator for almost every game that I can, including FFRK. The newest version works quite well. Most games that have a stamina or energy meter on a timer will immediately fall out of sync is the main game screen is accelerated, at which point the game crashes or you become disconnected. For FFRK this is not an issue, and you can leave it running the entire time, although it does not affect the stamina bar. This works out actually better than most games, since you don't have to go pausing and unpausing the acceleration the entire time you play. Just turn it on, and let it ride. And yes, this certainly helps the amount of time spent on the servers. There are actually freebie servers on other forums that are better than the VIP servers here. There are more of them, they're spread out in various regions, they're reliable, and they have different benefits. Some of them have the same hacks listed here, but other ones have different hacks, depending on what your goal is to accomplish in game. For example, if you need mastery of the dungeon, but one hit kill won't work for you because the boss has several masteries, they have servers that just have infinite brave burst only, or other benefits.