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ViP Jailed
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    iPhone 14 Plus
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  1. @Laxus when you have the time An update on the cheat would be much appreciated, Please and ty for all the hard work! 🫡
  2. Hey i tried to use this function but it keeps giving me an error which says “something went wrong while signing this app. Please try again later” @Rook any suggestion on a fix?
  3. Sadly this hack was much better when the toggle option didnt exist 😩 before all hack was just automatically enabled but now i cant even enable 1 hack cuz the moment i do the game just suddenly closes lol i’ve also tried to enable each hit just 1 at a time and the result is the same. Game crashes
  4. This hack would of been perfect if it let us save our progress to log in to the actual app 😭😭
  5. @AlyssaX64 alot of us is getting stuck in game loading screen “try” can you please respond and give us a solution?
  6. Everything in this hack works great. The only thing i would warn you about is expending the storage space because i’ve used all the hack settings and nothing banned me until i started expanding the storage space. Everything works great and you dont have to be warry of anything but 1 feature. The storage space expansion is the only thing that gets you banned atm so avoid that and you’re good.
  7. Wvwrything works great. Only downside is that you’ll get banned after a few hours no matter how discreet you sre with the hack lol
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