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Everything posted by FreezingCube976

  1. Currently in the hospital due to sitting up and mobility issues :( Back issues

  2. Can Someone update LDOE, not everything is unlocked even on level 1 and the fast travel hack doesnt work, the energy thing keeps decreasing, i dont know if this was explained elsewhere or if this is patched but im pointing this out since i havent seen anyone point this out. 

  3. Should i switch to samsung/android or stick to Apple? 

  4. Hi there, i've been trying to sideload/download this .IPA file (rebel inc) on Sideloadly and it wont complete the process instead it would give an error saying this: ERROR: Guru Meditation da8d42@132:556260@191:69dc7f@80:c397fe@449:e6aca1@293:e6aca1@134:a45007 could not find executable for C:\Users\jjpim\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpj36_heo8\Payload\RebelInc..app It would give out this error after it says "Signing" but it doesnt, instead just does an error. Any suggestions/fixes? Thanks
  5. Everytime i click on the "DECRYPT THIS APP", it will just load forever to decrypt, and it still says Download Status: Enqueued for a long time to the point i think its broken. Anyone know a solution how to fix this?
  6. Yea, when you buy a package of any, like vip plus or just iOSgods app plus, it mentioned that they used the money to create projects they been able to accomplish, like the iOSGods app Plus. Read the perks on what @Rook said. ViP and AppPlus is a separate thing.
  7. Hello there! So I got a new iPad and iPhone and they are on 14.4 or 14.4.0 and would like to know if anyone has jailbreaks that supports them or give ideas / suggestions. Remember: These 2 new devices are 14.4 and my iPad is 8th gen and iPhone X Thank you for your time to read this. Hope someone gives a jailbreak and atleast we will see one in the future. EDIT: if someone gives me a bunch of jailbreak apps. FYI: I do not have a computer or laptop at the moment. And again thanks.
  8. Hi. I was cleaning some boxes then I found my old kindle fire / fire tablet. I heard you can run / install Android apps/games so I was wondering if I could modded apks on this fire tablet? Anyone know? I know that fireos is based on androidos so if anyone knows anything related/knows this, please comment
  9. Lol everyone it’s not on the iosgods app anymore
  10. Keeps crashing when trying to open. Please fix
  11. @Joka unlimited cash only freezes instead of increasing??? Help or did u did this?!?!
  12. What is “bullet” and what is “population” in the game
  13. ***NOTE*** You can always downgrade to a supported Jailbreak firmware that supports / comes with Substrate.
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