What do I add to my tweak xm to connect it to my preference bundle my make file is connected to it but not my tweak xm here is my tweak xm:
%hook UserInfo
return -1;
%hook GameManager
return 0;
%hook UserSettingsManager
arg1 = 0;
return %orig;
%hook UserSettingsManager
return 0;
%hook FBAdBotDetector
return 0;
%hook TrophyRingRewardPopupView
arg1 = 869999;
return %orig;
%hook UserInfo
-(void)setVIPPoints:(unsigned int)arg1{
arg1 = 869999;
return %orig;
%hook MenuUserProfileMiniPopup
return 1;
%hook MenuUserProfileMiniPopup
return 1;
%hook MenuVIPProgressionNode
return 1;
%hook UserInfo
-(void)setVIPTier:(unsigned int)arg1{
arg1 = 5;
return %orig;