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Posts posted by Jmontalbo

  1. 1 hour ago, MoeD85 said:

    These kids take the game seriously, like it’s a matter of life and death! 

    Either they’re f***ed up “internally”, or I’m just too old to understand their sheer determination of feeling superior ON A sh!tTY GAME! 😂

    Bruh... u the only one here determined to be superior over all of us in this forum HAHA! Show off 🙄

    Servers are down btw y’all. Do not play right now 👍🏽

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  2. 4 hours ago, zalim34 said:

    Sir i am sorry but i don’t know what are we doing right now? What is this proxy  sh*t? It works for one day then we got banned. And you fix it however after 1 day we banned again. I am asking you to find a new real working method. I mean , can’t we go back to old days , hack is working fine for everybody , no ban except you exaggerate it etc.. why don't you run a hack. when a true antibacteria will be released. new season began. please update 0.9.5


    Please respond @DiDA and @Walking Hell


    Thanks for your works

    This fool said anti bacteria 😂😂😂😂😂

    • Haha 2
  3. 9 hours ago, blackz0r said:

    Im not wrong, I've used the slider only cheat + this ipa on frorm combined with proxxy, from my experience you get banned more faster on the slider only ( lobby ban ) on the ipa u get airplane ban or after first game finish 

    so dont recommend others to cheat on their main account when its not even safe , i  dont know why your defending it seems fishy from you to defend when its not on your side if you're not lieing then 

    proof to me that your not banned after "20 " game and i can show you a video rn that im getting banned in lobby / in match using the slider version + proxy sh!t.

    Well me and @gocrystal played 2 More matches last night so ??. You probably doing something wrong ??‍♂️

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  4. 6 hours ago, blackz0r said:

    No its not safe none of them are , Even with proxy if you go in lobby you will get “data has changed” which is the ban msg i don’t recommend to use any atm.

    Please get your facts straight before making others risk their main account .. the cheat is not anywheree near safe even with the so called proxy because i tested it with more than 20 accounts and all got banned and like %90 got banned in the lobby using the slider cheat... with the proxy oohh and forgot to mention that i also tried using my own proxy server ( that depends on. My own vps not my internet) also got me banned this sh!t doesnt work dont risk your main accs.

    You are wrong. I keep telling You all not to use this ipa version and only use the slider only or the cheat toggle versions combined with proxy. I’m 20+ games complete so eat a d!ck!

    • Haha 2
  5. This particular ipa does not work. You get banned at the last circle. But I’ve played over 15 matches yesterday using the cheat toggle on/off version. You do have to be Careful and check if the proxy server is on or offline tho. And unfortunately there’s no way to know if it goes offline if you are playing a game so using your main account is not recommended. 

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