Can somebody help me hook this function to repeat itself. Like I'm doing attack multiplier to hit the enemy multiple times.
[Address(RVA = "0x1639E4C", Offset = "0x1639E4C", VA = "0x101639E4C")]
public void SendAttackToEnemy(List<int> moblist, int skill, int card, int flag)
#import "Menu.h"
#include <substrate.h>
#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
uint64_t getRealOffset(uint64_t offset){
return _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(0)+offset;
int (*org_SendAttackToEnemy)(void*, int moblist, int skill, int card, int flag);
int SendAttackToEnemy(void* this_, int moblist, int skill, int card, int flag) {
return org_SendAttackToEnemy(this_, moblist, skill, card, flag) * 20;
%ctor {
MSHookFunction((void *)getRealOffset(0x101639E4C), (void *)SendAttackToEnemy, (void **)&org_SendAttackToEnemy);
Kindly correct my code cause it's not working. planning to repeat the function 20 times.