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  1. Yes, me too. It seems to be our common problem. The amount of 5 energy is displayed and the game freezes. You can't buy more energy or earn more. You just can’t do anything.
  2. Both links not working. First: "The file you requested has been blocked for a violation of our Terms of Service". Second: "This file cannot be opened because it violates the Terms of Use." 😔
  3. Name of the game you want hacked: Another World's History Version of the game: 2.8.7 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/another-worlds-history/id1531892351 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Non-Jailbroken Requested Features: free IAP /or/ unlimited cards+unlimited energy
  4. Please, tell how to activate unlimited gems and keys in this hack, if we shouldn’t use IAP. I don’t understand😞 I reinstall it, open, earn some gems, restart the game, but I still need to buy gems and keys for money☹️I saw that it can be turn on in Jailbreak required hack, but there is no way to do it in this app.
  5. Hello @Puddin. Sorry for silly question, but how should it work without IAP hack? My account was blocked too
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