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Everything posted by Pugtricia

  1. no matter how good u r at something, there are 12-year-old asians who r better than u

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Diversityy
    3. Goggwell


      There was that one guy who went to UNI at 14 or something, and started teaching Uni-Level Math at 15 or 16. He eventually stopped teaching because everyone made fun of him

    4. Diversityy


      Of course, they did. It's my generation..

    5. Sakswa


      I'd make fun if a 15/16 y.o. taught math ^^ Probably beat him up, or something

    6. Svensken
  2. home is where your wifi connects automatically -Wise word of Pug

    1. EMDamaker
    2. Sakswa


      My gfs house is my home, then? Sweet

    3. Sakswa


      Jk, I don't have a gf :cry:

  3. A valiant attempt, but you can't escape the friendzone by misspelling it.

  4. dancing in the mirror, singing in the shower

    1. Rook


      Ladadi ladadi ladadaa

    2. Pugtricia
    3. BaROCK Obama

      BaROCK Obama

      I don't sing. I PERFORM!

    4. thecodebreaker


      You are cute :3


  5. 1709
  6. DYK that sea otters rape baby seals to death

  7. If we can't see air, do fish see water?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pugtricia


      how do u know?

    3. Rook


      Because I'm secretly a fish! Dun dun duuuuun

    4. Tamil


      @DiDA lol

    5. Pugtricia


      @DiDA Badummm tsssss

    6. Rook


      A.k.a Aquaman!

  8. You've got something I need

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. xC3FFF0E


      Duhfaq is happening here?!

    3. BaROCK Obama

      BaROCK Obama

      Pinoy attacked. And they will spam your Notification. :troll:

    4. DeadGood
    5. BaROCK Obama

      BaROCK Obama

      Another victim of Pinoy's takeover. Too bad huehuehue. You should have never posted here. xD

    6. Pugtricia


      no pinoy of victim overtake bad too euheuheuh should u never have here posted dX

  9. When I'm learning to drive and people behind me yell because I'm slow...http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aQ4jK3d_460sv.mp4

  10. When you're rioting but you have low fps http://img-9gag-fun....YwWxM_460sv.mp4

  11. "You can't touch music but it can touch u"

  12. When I paid $20 to get into the club, just ordered a drink, and my buddy is like, "It's dead. Let's leave." http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aD3vzM7_460sv.mp4

  13. When I paid $20 to get into the club, just ordered a drink, and my buddy is like, "It's dead. Let's leave."

  14. When my friend doesn't want to join an Age of Empires II lan party at my place http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a9L09PL_460sv.mp4

  15. The world is running out of gentlemen because lot of women love to be treated like shit

    1. Diversityy


      ..And women are gold diggers nowadays..

    2. iGods


      That shit excites women and makes them happy. They want the feeling of having a static electricity dose into their nerves which creates an explosive climax to them. Who doesn't want their girl to be happy? We [men] always wants what is best for them [women]& that shit is a ticket for it.

  16. Free Hotspot Shield Elite Valid until 2018 \ Download Hotspot Shield 3.4.2: http://filehippo.com/download_hotspot_shield/download/44aca5c15fb094c097f0397adb7d0648/ Download Patch here: [Hidden Content] Credits to: J3X
  17. I may be an idiot..... but I'm not stupid

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