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    iPhone 8 Plus
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  1. Not in settings of the game. I haven't seen one, but the dev site says theirs supposed to be one.
  2. I don't know where the entire save game location is. I can't copy the entire game over for I get an error with restoring back up. Is there a legit way off switching data from my jb ipod to my iphone 6?
  3. Quite interesting.
  4. I'm just stuck on loading screen
  5. Life is life; enough said.

  6. Could you help me about this hack? (Gangstar Vegas V1.9.0) AirMAX Repo is down and i cannot download anymore :(( I m jailbroken , iOS 8.4 and searching really this hack

    1. xCraySECx


      Well, first off, you should make a Help Topic in the corresponding section, and you should just probably wait it out. I can't help with that because I know nothing of that repo. :p There is a search bar to help with finding topics for such cases, too.

  7. I fixed it by running in admin mode but it does nothing but restart by iPod and tell me its injecting. I tried restoring and doing it again but nothing happens
  8. I keep getting the Apple Driver anomaly and i don't know how to fix.
  9. I'll join to show how awesome I am!
  10. Doesn't work for Hungry shark Evolution Doesn't work for anything!
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