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  1. Oh yea hehe i see that sorry, what file do you drop the dylib into? (I’m not jb)
  2. Bet that wish i had yalls ungodly skills for messing with Hex 💀
  3. Just was curious if any client side hacks couple be applied for this app, wasn’t sure where to post sorry in advance if it’s the wrong one! Thanks boys n girls
  4. Hey buddy, any tips for learning hex? I’m so lost on how to edit memory and hex code. Have no idea how i am supposed to read it, let alone intercept and modify it 😭
  5. No, i know you can’t make REAL purchases on side loaded apps, and then only way i could get any free iap purchases to work was due to the sandbox account i had. Thanks for responding ik ur busy it even worked on some server side transactions, super weird.
  6. Hi all! Was just curious if the IAP not working was a known issue, and if a solution has been brought up as i can’t find any posts with a conclusion to this issue. Whenever i try to make cracked IAP, I’m met with a message “You are not authorized to make purchases of this InApp in Sandbox at this time.” I have had 0 issues like this in the past, as i have logged in for my sandbox account, made the purchase, and it went thru giving me what i was attempting to buy. Yes, i am aware that side loaded apps are not permitted to make purchases with the actual App Store, but would like a solution for the sandbox error preventing me from using hacks. Thanks in advance!
  7. Can you expand on this? I’m curious as i am trying to fix this issue as well.
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