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ViP Pro
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    iPhone 14 Pro Max
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  • Jailbroken

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  1. This bug did not appear in previous versions of the game (I have encountered it in other games). The bug appeared after this update, and the phone's operating system version has always been ios18. @布丁 @车 Update v1.5.1 @布丁 thanks~~
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6bnvs1zp03ys5dviz6nv1/ClashofDestiny-2024-11-27-202138.ips?rlkey=7mrm4uya53q7k5t1ffwc6uqhq&st=3b2ezjqt&dl=0
  3. yes.By the way, this is a problem in both ios and ipados. There is no such issue in macos14.7
  4. @Rook I've had this problem in a few games (but not all). The non-jailbroken device sideloadly enters the game after installing the game, and when you click the thankyou button that pops up, the game will exit. I don't know what the program will do in the background after clicking the thankyou button (to read the session from site?) In any case, an exception occurred in this operation resulting in the application exiting, if you do not click this button, the application will not exit, but this pop-up window causes the game to be unplayable
  5. Once again, the app will exit after clicking the thankyou button
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