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  1. @Laxus I only did that because it the forum literally told me to. Seriously see the mod menu deb topic. "How can I use it? 🤨 We'll be using Plants Vs Zombies 2 .deb cheat for this & grabbing the PvZ2 decrypted IPA. Make sure you have Sideloadly already installed on your Windows or macOS computer. If you're familiar with iGameGod Jailed then most of the process is the exact same. Launch Sideloadly and drag your IPA & .deb onto it & enable Sideload Spoofer." but yes it appears to be the issue. @Rook I just sideloaded without the enabled and the app launched successfully.
  2. Hello I'm new and probably making a rookie mistake. I have bumped around the forums here and am well confused. Anyway I have a 2nd Gen IphoneSE running 16.5 non-broken (waiting for one to be available) And I'm trying to do the free mod menu for archero for BROKEN devices by using the mod menu debs for jailed here: So got the IPA, sideload and the deb file all ready. Maybe there is a custom setting i need to tick in sideload, following the instructions above I changed the name, checked inject and put in the deb file, I also checked the spoofer because it was listed in the instructions but not indicated on the screenshot in the gif example. That installs to phone perfectly. Go into settings and trust in phone. Back to PC and the running daemon and JIT to run the app on phone and it launches but immediately crashes right after the splash screen at the little IOSgods three button thing instead of redirecting to IOSGods authenticator. Crashes=The App auto closes and returns to the home screen, no error code is provided. So now to try and troubleshot which is where I get confused because I'm thinking I need to use iGameGod to install the deb.... but I really can't since mine is jailed; I can inject the iGG deb into the IPA per here: and that works and loads fine, but no real way to then inject the menu using jailed iGG since it is bound to the app instead installed in device [there is no app installed to open the deb on the device) Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. don't have broken device, was trying to use new method posted to run mod menus on no jailbrake, but no luck so far, so want to try this jailed on and see thanks
  4. trying with archero normally jailbreak required. sideloaded the decrypted app over with the deb -- no problems getting it over, but when i try to run it tell me i have to be logged into my IOSGods account even though i Have the IoSGods app installed and am logged in. Any ideas? edit. so I used the jailed version and now i know they get you to log in...so the problem is the broke version using jit just crashes there and doesn't let you continue to the login ..that's the more accurate error. Thanks!
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