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Posts posted by Saitama

  1. On 11/10/2021 at 6:52 PM, SOKNEY said:

    Be careful the game started to ban people lately after reporting them , someone got banned ( permanent ban ) after been reported


    sure if u really make thing to show that u map hacker u will be banned by reports..

    u must understand that map hack is only for avoid ur death not to attack some one in bushes or something like this....not to hard to watch some matches where people report u and understand that u cheater :D 

    i told one more time i play this game with MH every day and i didnt do anything for be reported...
    previous hack was easy to detect - this one - only if u make stupid things...

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  2. 2 hours ago, LostChild said:


    Hey boss, do you know anything about this in-game issue ?


    I dont know what is the cause of this or what even happened. I was using this mod but suddently I got this issue even after deleting the mod I still had this issue ?

    Thanks in advance.


    looks like u have other mod installed

    mine mods didnt give this error

  3. 22 minutes ago, mcbang said:

    @gogigogi1Please, please. I know what you're upset about.  People don't like the cheats I worked hard on.  I did an evaluation.  I know it's bad. I'm always grateful to write.  Thank you for always.  gogigogi.  However, there is no frame drop in the previous version.  It's cleaner and better... The previous version with dots.. Please upload it.. Please..


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