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  1. Rook's post in Still have not received app+ fixed email was marked as the answer   
    Some users are still in progress of being fixed, and we understand that's it's taking longer than usual and the reason is the last time we fixed it too quickly and Apple caught on, so now we're forced to take slightly longer.
    Compensations are in place. https://install.iosgods.com/
  2. Rook's post in When does iGameGod support NO JAILBREAK ? was marked as the answer   
    It is being worked on and should be released soon!
  3. Rook's post in App installed through Sideloadly won't allow me to use the store for purchases was marked as the answer   
    In-App Purchased are unavailable on sideloaded apps.
    You need to install the official App Store version to purchase something and support the developers.
  4. Rook's post in Login through Sideloadly apps was marked as the answer   
    Please make sure you have cookies enabled and disable any Safari iOS extensions you may have installed as they are likely interfering.
  5. Rook's post in Sideloadly: Call to afc_file_close failed: AFC_E_MUX_ERROR was marked as the answer   
    Please make sure you have the web version of iTunes installed and open it then sync your iDevice with iTunes.
    Then try Sideloadly again.
  6. Rook's post in Sideloadly: Call to afc_file_close failed: AFC_E_MUX_ERROR was marked as the answer   
    Please make sure you have the web version of iTunes installed and open it then sync your iDevice with iTunes.
    Then try Sideloadly again.
  7. Rook's post in Sideloadly: Call to afc_file_close failed: AFC_E_MUX_ERROR was marked as the answer   
    Please make sure you have the web version of iTunes installed and open it then sync your iDevice with iTunes.
    Then try Sideloadly again.
  8. Rook's post in Sideloadly 2FA Removal.. was marked as the answer   
    2FA cannot be removed through Sideloadly as it is an Apple ID security feature.
    You can only configure it or remove it through your Apple ID settings on iOS or the Apple website.
  9. Rook's post in Sideloadly is not detecting my device :( was marked as the answer   
    Please do read the Sideloadly FAQs as your answer is likely already there.
    Make sure you have web version of iTunes installed and also make sure you try to sync your device with iTunes.
  10. Rook's post in Crashing issues on Guild of heroes was marked as the answer   
    The crashes seem to happen due to memory issues. Your device is likely running out of available memory and killing the application.
    There was a Cydia tweak to increase memory limits on an app, that may help.
  11. Rook's post in [VIP] Hogwarts Mystery hacks don't work. was marked as the answer   
    Are you certain you are using the latest version?
    Can you try the energy version only? Maybe I messed up the two.
  12. Rook's post in Installing Older Apps was marked as the answer   
    It’s minimum iOS version so just set it to 7.0
    This does not guarantee it will work, though.
  13. Rook's post in Updating App+ modified apps was marked as the answer   
    When you install a modified app from iOSGods App+, you can no longer update through the Apple App Store.
    You will need to update/reinstall latest update through the iOSGods App+, when an update is available.
    Regarding the install issues, you can try using a VPN.
  14. Rook's post in How do i find values in igamegod? was marked as the answer   
    You need to narrow down the results.
    Check out some tutorials, DIYs and videos on how to use iGameGod found here: https://iosgods.com/tags/iGameGod/
  15. Rook's post in Help with IDA Pro - How do I modify & test a function? was marked as the answer   
    There are a few ways to test the function you're trying to modify:
    The easiest being Live Offset Patcher - this is highly recommended if you're a newbie, but it does have its limitations. Currently if your game is using UnityFramework, LOP won't support it. An update for this is being worked on. Hex editing the binary and placing the modded binary into the app replacing the original Compiling a .deb with the function(s) you're testing. Via LLDB
  16. Rook's post in Why im not senior member yet? was marked as the answer   
    Please read our "How to get Promoted on iOSGods" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/3477-how-to-get-promoted-on-iosgods/
  17. Rook's post in Sideloadly: No module named 'cryptography.hazmat.bindings._rust' was marked as the answer   
    Please reinstall Sideloadly from the official website to fix this issue.
  18. Rook's post in One VIP Paige for another VIP subscription was marked as the answer   
    You will need to PM me regarding this so we can look into your issue and solve it!
  19. Rook's post in Why i can’t use the subcontinent which i paid? was marked as the answer   
    3rd Party App Stores Apple doesn't take kindly. Revokes are expected, and if prolonged, compensations are in place.
    You cannot compare Spotify to a service like this. Spotify is legit, and we are going against Apple's ToS, thus the revokes.
  20. Rook's post in Sideloadly not installing IPA was marked as the answer   
    Windows defender has started detecting Jailbreaks as viruses and quarantines them. That's what's happening in this case too.
    You will need to whitelist the IPA on your Windows Defender to continue.

    Please read the "Sideloadly Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" inside the official website here: https://sideloadly.io/#faq
  21. Rook's post in Trying to install iOSGods IAP Cracker tool was marked as the answer   
    You need to install the .deb via Filza.

    Please read our "Troubleshooting 'Non-Working' Hacks & Cheats" topic: https://iosgods.com/topic/24809-troubleshooting-non-working-hacks-cheats/
  22. Rook's post in IPA Installation failed: 3892346905 via sideloadly was marked as the answer   
    Please try the new Sideloadly 0.22.2 update and report back!
  23. Rook's post in IPA Installation failed: 3892346905 via sideloadly was marked as the answer   
    Please try the new Sideloadly 0.22.2 update and report back!
  24. Rook's post in IPA Installation failed: 3892346905 via sideloadly was marked as the answer   
    Please try the new Sideloadly 0.22.2 update and report back!
  25. Rook's post in IPA Installation failed: 3892346905 via sideloadly was marked as the answer   
    Please try the new Sideloadly 0.22.2 update and report back!
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