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Rook's post in My udid hasnt transferred its been 3 days was marked as the answer
Apologies for my late reply.
Apple seems to have implemented a new delay on Apple Developer account activations which in turn affects iOSGods App+.
Because of this, you may need to wait up to 14 days for your subscription/transfer to be activated or completed. You can read more about this here:
We are currently trying to rectify this issue and working on updating our systems to better inform users as to what's happening regarding their subscription. This is a work in progress.
Thank you for understanding.
Rook's post in Sideloadly Anisette Error was marked as the answer
Please provide more information on your topic. Are you on Windows or macOS?
Make sure you have installed web version of iTunes & iCloud. Please read the "Sideloadly Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" inside the official website here: https://sideloadly.io/#faq
Rook's post in HWID Reset due to new phone was marked as the answer
Yes, you can transfer your current subscription.
Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
Rook's post in App+ Not Activated after 48 hours was marked as the answer
Apologies for my late reply.
Apple seems to have implemented a new delay on Apple Developer account activations which in turn affects iOSGods App+.
Because of this, you may need to wait up to 14 days for your subscription/transfer to be activated or completed. You can read more about this here:
We are currently trying to rectify this issue and working on updating our systems to better inform users as to what's happening regarding their subscription. This is a work in progress.
Thank you for understanding.
Rook's post in App+ Duolingo was marked as the answer
Please tick the option to "Remove PlugIns" in Sideloadly then try again.
Rook's post in STUCK ON WELCOMING SCREEN was marked as the answer
Did you recently purchase or transfer App+?
Please see:
Rook's post in Debugging a Decrypted iOS app crash was marked as the answer
If you don't have a Jailbreak, you may be out of luck.
You can review the crash logs provided by iOS. They can be found in Settings > Privacy > Analytics & Improvements
Rook's post in Real Racing 3 Decryption error was marked as the answer
Will be investigated. Check back at a later time!
Rook's post in I have VIP and no app+ subscription? was marked as the answer
ViP subscriptions do not come bundled with the iOSGods App+ subscription; they're separate.
ViP subscriptions offer iOSGods App access but that is unfortunately revoked today so you have to resolve to using Sideloadly. Please read our "Downloading the .IPA from the iOSGods App for Sideloading" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/93697-installing-apps-from-the-iosgods-app-using-sideloadlycydia-impactor-on-your-pc/
Rook's post in LDOE need Update was marked as the answer
It is already up to date.
Tweaked & Hacked iOS Games/Apps. No Computer & No Jailbreak Required. iOSGods Jailed App: https://app.iosgods.com/
Please read our "Downloading the .IPA from the iOSGods App for Sideloading" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/93697-installing-apps-from-the-iosgods-app-using-sideloadlycydia-impactor-on-your-pc/
Rook's post in LDOE FAILED GAME CENTER LOGIN was marked as the answer
You need iOSGods App+ to be able to use Game Center.
Please read the "Sideloadly Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" inside the official website here: https://sideloadly.io/#faq
Rook's post in IOSGods App+ Renew Issue was marked as the answer
Please send me a PM with your UDID and PayPal transaction ID so we can investigate for you.
Rook's post in Download in turtle speed was marked as the answer
Sorry about this. It was an issue with our servers which is now fixed.
Please try again now.
Rook's post in Possible to Install IPA from iOSGods App onto the MacBook (M1)? was marked as the answer
Yes it is with Sideloadly!
Rook's post in New iPhone coming on Friday - I can transfer my App+ membership right? was marked as the answer
Apologies for my late reply.
To change your iOSGods App+ subscription to a new device, please head over to the UDID Transfers (https://transfers.iosgods.com/) page and follow the instructions on-screen.
Please note that you are only allowed one transfer during your one year subscription term time. This process may take a few hours for the transfer to complete and an email will be sent when complete. If you require assistance or more information, please read the iOSGods App+ FAQ.
Kind regards,
Rook's post in Anyone tried unc0ver untethered for 15.6.1? was marked as the answer
There are currently no publicly available Jailbreaks for iOS 15 at all. You should not try that as it's likely fake and may harm your device.
Rook's post in App+ restore after device lost was marked as the answer
Apologies for my late reply.
To change your iOSGods App+ subscription to a new device, please head over to the UDID Transfers (https://transfers.iosgods.com/) page and follow the instructions on-screen.
Please note that you are only allowed one transfer during your one year subscription term time. This process may take a few hours for the transfer to complete and an email will be sent when complete. If you require assistance or more information, please read the iOSGods App+ FAQ.
Kind regards,
Rook's post in Vip Account and still have 3 app limit in sideloadly was marked as the answer
Please see our "Perks of being a ViP Member on iOSGods" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/92593-perks-of-being-a-vip-member-on-iosgodscom/
The iOSGods App is currently signed so you can use that like normal!
Sideloadly's 3 app limitation is due to Apple and not Sideloadly itself.
iOSGods App+ is per device only. So if you got a new device, make sure you've applied for a transfer request! Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
Rook's post in Easy Install does not work. Unfortunately, Sideloadly is not possible. Can you please help me? was marked as the answer
Your only other valid option at this time would be iOSGods App+. The only downside is that it is paid.
Rook's post in App crashing after installing and playing the tutorial was marked as the answer
Perhaps this Tutorial will help you! https://iosgods.com/topic/158524-how-to-fix-hacked-ios-ipa-games-stuck-on-tutorial-or-in-game/
Rook's post in IGameGod Cheat Engine on LDOE was marked as the answer
Please see this example tutorial hacking health: https://iosgods.com/topic/154511-🔥igamegod🔥➖🌎last-day-on-earth-survival-v11811🌎➖health-hack-❤️-/#comment-4983533
Rook's post in [NOTICE] iOS 16 Release & iOSGods App+ was marked as the answer
UPDATE 11/SEPTEMBER/2022: A new App+ version 0.8.3 was soft released to resolve this issue. Please download and report back!
Rook's post in App++ waiting for the email instructions was marked as the answer
Keep an eye on your email and try what Laxus suggested.
This may also affect you: https://iosgods.com/topic/162745-notice-app-activation-transfer-delays/
Rook's post in App+ out of stock? was marked as the answer
Hi! Yeah, it's out of stock. Check back later though!
Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
Rook's post in Hooking in UnityFramework Causing Crash was marked as the answer
When hooking with UnityFramework, you should add a timer to your MSHook(Function) as UnityFramework may not have loaded as soon as the app launches.
A timer of 1 second should be enough.
%ctor { dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 1 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^ { MSHookFunction((void*)getRealOffset(0x2A3CD98), (void*)FunctionName, (void**)&old_FunctionName); // }); }