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Community Answers

  1. Rook's post in My Samsung A7 Does not Read Sim Card was marked as the answer   
    Sounds like you need to carrier unlock your device. You should go to a service shop and ask the people there as they might be able to help more than we can.
  2. Rook's post in Jurassic world alive not working was marked as the answer   
    Update is coming soon! Be sure to regularly check the official topic on iOSGods or the iOSGods App so you know when it's out. :)
  3. Rook's post in Update was marked as the answer   
    This topic is now closed to further replies. Update is coming soon! Be sure to regularly check the official topic on iOSGods or the iOSGods App so you know when it's out. :)
  4. Rook's post in Jailbreaking IOS 12.1.4 was marked as the answer   
    Please visit this link to know if a Jailbreak is available for your iOS version: https://canijailbreak.com/
  5. Rook's post in Accidentally canceled vip subscription was marked as the answer   
  6. Rook's post in Cydia Impactor File: installation.cpp; linha 42 (IOS10.3.2) was marked as the answer   
    Have you read the instructions on that page? There apparently is no need to sideload an IPA.
  7. Rook's post in Card does not support this purchase was marked as the answer   
    You should contact your bank regarding this.
  8. Rook's post in Duplicate Apps from iOSGods App was marked as the answer   
  9. Rook's post in why I cant send message to someone was marked as the answer   
    In order to prevent spam & rule breaking, you can only message staff members while you're still new to iOSGods.
  10. Rook's post in Refund not received was marked as the answer   
    Please message me the last 4 digits on your card via a Private Message as we cannot provide support regarding this publicly.
  11. Rook's post in How to Download .IPA Files from iOSGods on Windows? was marked as the answer   
    That specific topic, you need to install from the iOSGods App, meaning only your device is required.

    Please read our "Downloading the .IPA from the iOSGods App for Sideloading" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/93697-installing-apps-from-the-iosgods-app-using-sideloadlycydia-impactor-on-your-pc/
  12. Rook's post in [How to] Stop / Cancel VIP was marked as the answer   
    It seems like you have already cancelled it.
  13. Rook's post in I cannot install iosgods app was marked as the answer   
    Try again now.
    Alternatively, you can click the ‘Add to Home Screen’ button when on that page.
  14. Rook's post in Can’t log in on app... was marked as the answer   
    Read our “Converting your Account to a Local iOSGods Account” topic: https://iosgods.com/topic/56807-tip-converting-your-account-to-a-local-iosgods-account/
  15. Rook's post in Install button doesn’t work was marked as the answer   
    You need to use Safari in order to install.
    Alternatively, you can also tap on the 'Share' icon and then 'Add to Home Screen'.
  16. Rook's post in disable metal framework?? was marked as the answer   
    Try this:
    //disable metal framework for unity %hook NSBundle + (id)bundleWithPath:(NSString *)fullPath { if ([fullPath isEqual:@"/System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework"]) { NSLog(@"distable metal framework"); return NULL; } return %orig(fullPath); } %end  
  17. Rook's post in Can you use IGameGuardian for advance purposes was marked as the answer   
    Using iGameGuardian itself no, but you can use debuggers to make it into a proper hack.
  18. Rook's post in Download links with pop-ups was marked as the answer   
    I will message you with the direct link.
  19. Rook's post in Social duplicator 2 (null) problem was marked as the answer   
    Does Social Duplicator work? Is it updated for iOS 11?
  20. Rook's post in Can’t LogIn in app was marked as the answer   
    1. There is currently no CAPTCHA on the app.
    2. Read our "Converting your Account to a Local iOSGods Account" topic: https://iosgods.com/topic/56807-tip-converting-your-account-to-a-local-iosgods-account/
  21. Rook's post in Ace fishing. Can’t install custom duplicate was marked as the answer   
    Custom Duplicate is having some issues right now and we're investigating. Please try again later!
  22. Rook's post in Theos Error 255 was marked as the answer   
    There has already been a topic on this and this topic is not following the help & support posting guidelines.
  23. Rook's post in Blazing Global was marked as the answer   
    Yes, that hack is currently ViP only. However, the Japanese version is FREE.
    I am not aware of these crashes nor have I seen any recent reports regarding them.
  24. Rook's post in Vip hacks aren't working for me was marked as the answer   
    PUBG is currently outdated.
    Regarding Mobile Legends, have you seen the recently promoted post?
  25. Rook's post in Is it safe to jailbreak my phone with Uncover 4K device? was marked as the answer   
    Yeah. If you experience isdues you can simply unjailbreak.
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