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Community Answers
Rook's post in I can't download anything directly through "install" and I can't download ipa's was marked as the answer
There are too many people downloading from the app right now which is making everything slower for everyone involved, because of that, we're forced to limit who can use the app right now. In order to use the app during this state, you need to not be a "Newbie" on the community, iOSGods.com. In order to do so, make a few posts, participate in some conversations, etc.
Alternatively, you can just purchase ViP and skip all the above.
Rook's post in Downloads disabled for new users was marked as the answer
You need to have a few more posts to be considered as a member and not a newbie.
We do not specify the exact value to prevent people from spamming.
Rook's post in Gangstar vegas banning issue on 12.2 was marked as the answer
I think Gangstar Vegas has anti-cheat detections. A feature could possibly be triggering it, such as unlimited currency.
Rook's post in VIP Purchase but Nothing has Changed? was marked as the answer
Apologies for my late reply.
Please see the email that was sent to your inbox regarding the status of your ViP purchase.
If you have not received an email, please verify the email associated with your iOSGods account is correct and check your spam/junk folders.
Kind regards,
Rook's post in | PUBG HacK IssuE: several attempts| was marked as the answer
That's the problem. Please install from the official repo: https://tigisoftware.com/cydia/
Rook's post in iTunes Money for iOSGods ViP was marked as the answer
Thank you for contacting us.
Unfortunately, we do not accept any other form of payment methods for ViP except from the ones that are available in the store during checkout.
Kind regards,
Rook's post in Help VIP App was marked as the answer
You have cancelled your ViP subscription, not automatic renewals.
I also noticed another issue on your account. Your ViP has been refunded, please wait 2-7 days for the refund to appear and then you can purchase again.
Rook's post in [Theos] how to make .deb file when have .dylib file? was marked as the answer
Find the _ folder and run dpkg -b _
Rook's post in Combining Mod Menus? was marked as the answer
It is currently not possible to combine mod menus. You would have to install and use them side-by-side.
Rook's post in Mod menu features for Naruto Ninja Blazing are not taking effect was marked as the answer
Just to make sure, after adjusting your slider. You enable the switch, correct?
Rook's post in A12 Support for Pubg Mobile Hack was marked as the answer
Yep! We're waiting for the iOS Jailbreak tools to get updated for A12/ARM64e support.
Rook's post in LDOE App Hack Download Issue was marked as the answer
Please read our "iOSGods Jailed App Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/85362-iosgods-jailed-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
Rook's post in I'm not the one who needs help, but I don't know how to help this person. was marked as the answer
Please tell him/her to make a support topic on iOSGods.
We only offer support for apps downloaded from our iOSGods App. We do not offer support for apps downloaded from unofficial sources.
Rook's post in Renew another 3months vip was marked as the answer
You would need to contact me as it doesn’t stack up.
Rook's post in Stuck on apple Logo after installing tweak was marked as the answer
Seems like you’ve bootlooped your device by installing an incompatible tweak.
Your only choice might be to restore and update to 12.2.
Rook's post in Report Apps that are not updated/functioning was marked as the answer
You can use the App Help & Support section.
To request updates you can use Hack Requests section or No Jailbreak App Request section.
Rook's post in PUBG MOBILE:MAINSTREAM UNIVERSAL CO. LTD. not Working was marked as the answer
That hack is only for global PUBG MOBILE. It does not support other regions. Search iOSGods.com for other regions.
Rook's post in Jailbreak iPhone 8? was marked as the answer
Hello! Please visit this link to know if a Jailbreak is available for your iOS version: https://canijailbreak.com/
Rook's post in Can't download at this time was marked as the answer
Have you tried some suggestions from the App FAQ?
Please read our "iOSGods Jailed App Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/85362-iosgods-jailed-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
Rook's post in I can't buy a ViP subscription was marked as the answer
To become a ViP member on iOSGods, you need to purchase a ViP subscription from the link below.
Please carefully read the package's description to know which is the most suitable ViP package for you. PayPal is currently not accepted.
Kind regards,
Rook's post in Downloading .deb file from filza not installing was marked as the answer
That means the installation has successfully completed. Please follow the rest of the instructions inside the topic you downloaded the hack from.
Rook's post in Can’t download deb file was marked as the answer
Please make sure you are installing Filza from the official repo.
If that doesn't help, then you could perhaps post the error so we can actually help you.
Rook's post in PUBG Hack for iOS 12 Issue - iPhone Xs was marked as the answer
Please make sure you have installed all the requirements mentioned on the topic. If you're using Chimera Jailbreak, you need to have Substitute installed.