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  1. Rook's post in igamegod or .deb in system application was marked as the answer   
    You can do so manually by editing the .plist inside /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries and add your target bundle ID there.
    I have not tested this but it may work!
  2. Rook's post in Developer mode required was marked as the answer   
    Please read our "Developer Mode - what is it & how to enable" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/161257-ios-16-developer-mode-what-is-it-how-to-enable/
  3. Rook's post in I’m being rate limited was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    The Cloudflare ban is issued temporary in order to protect your account. If you are receiving a page that says you have been limited, or temporarily banned, please try refreshing again in a few minutes.
  4. Rook's post in Cytus II Hack auto update failed with iOSGods App Bot ? was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for pointing this out - seems like there was a mistake! Updating now.
  5. Rook's post in Which vip I’m kinda confused was marked as the answer   
    Either App ViP or ViP Pro works in this case. They both give you access to ViP apps.
    Please see our "Perks of being a ViP Member on iOSGods" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/92593-perks-of-being-a-vip-member-on-iosgodscom/
  6. Rook's post in Can you guys get CarX street 0.60 (which is the latest update) on iOSGods was marked as the answer   
    An update will be coming as soon as possible! Be sure to regularly check the official topic on iOSGods or the iOSGods App so you know when it's out. :)
  7. Rook's post in About the "app integrity not verified" was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    Please apply for a revoke fix via the https://revokes.iosgods.com/ link & see the announcement topic for additional information.
    Please also note that Apple has implemented delays which will affect the time it will take to fix this revoke. For more information, please read our iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions.
  8. Rook's post in Auto Touch Features When is the next update?we need Improvements & To-Do was marked as the answer   
    All these are planned and hopefully released soon!
  9. Rook's post in iOSGods App + Igamegod? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you can inject iGameGod Jailed to any IPAs via the iOSGods App+'s Custom App Signing feature. You can get the IPAs from the Decrypted App Store too.
  10. Rook's post in Integrity Could not be Verified was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    Apple has revoked our current certificate(s) and we are working on getting a new one so we can re-sign and get all the apps working again.
    Please try visiting the iOSGods App & downloading your apps at a later time once they have been re-signed by us.
    Until the normal install method is fixed, you can install your favorite apps right now using:
    Sideloadly option (tutorial here) Purchasing & using the iOSGods App+ Using an Apple Developer Account For more information, please read our iOSGods App Frequently Asked Questions topic.
  11. Rook's post in Sideloadly anisette problem was marked as the answer   
    For what reasons are you unable to install iCloud from the links on sideloadly.io?
    Have you tried running as Administrator?
  12. Rook's post in Where are the Offset and HEX in Custom Live Offset Patcher saved? was marked as the answer   
    You can find the offset and patch data in the app's Library folder. Example: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX/Library/Preferences/com.appname.gamename
    <key>custom1:offset</key> <string>10018765</string> <key>custom1:patch</key> <string>C0035FD6</string>  
  13. Rook's post in IosGods app+ and vip 3 months was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for contacting us.
    Unfortunately, we do not accept any other form of payment methods for ViP except from the ones that are available in the store during checkout. We may add other ways of purchasing ViP soon, so keep an eye out on the store!
    Kind regards,
  14. Rook's post in Unable to Install “IOSGods App+” - This app cannot be installed because it’s integrity not verified was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    Apple has revoked some of our iOSGods App+ members and we are currently working on getting the app and all the apps working again. Please keep an eye on the email address you used when purchasing the iOSGods App+ as we will send you an email when it is fixed and ready.
    Please note that Apple has implemented delays which will affect the time it will take to fix this revoke. For more information, please read our iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions.
  15. Rook's post in Iosgods app+ integrity issue was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    Please apply for a revoke fix via the https://revokes.iosgods.com/ link & see the announcement topic for additional information.
    Please also note that Apple has implemented delays which will affect the time it will take to fix this revoke. For more information, please read our iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions.
  16. Rook's post in the app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified was marked as the answer   
    If it worked for a while after updating, it's likely just the revoke wave had unfortunate timing.
  17. Rook's post in I need to transfer subscription to new phone was marked as the answer   
    Please read the instructions provided in the FAQ.
    Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  18. Rook's post in ViP Payment Method via Card was marked as the answer   
    If you need to buy iOSGods App+ via card, please send me a PM.
    ViP is already purchasable via card.
  19. Rook's post in Transfer of App+ to new IPhone was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    To change your iOSGods App+ subscription to a new device, please head over to the UDID Transfers (https://transfers.iosgods.com/) page and follow the instructions on-screen.
    Please note that you are only allowed one transfer during your one year subscription term time. This process may take a few hours for the transfer to complete and an email will be sent when complete. If you require assistance or more information, please read the iOSGods App+ FAQ.
    Kind regards,
  20. Rook's post in Please approve my VIP purchase was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    Please see the email that was sent to your inbox regarding the status of your ViP purchase.
    If you have not received an email, please verify the email associated with your iOSGods account is correct and check your spam/junk folders.
    Kind regards,
  21. Rook's post in Please approve my VIP purchase was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    Please see the email that was sent to your inbox regarding the status of your ViP purchase.
    If you have not received an email, please verify the email associated with your iOSGods account is correct and check your spam/junk folders.
    Kind regards,
  22. Rook's post in Installation problem in the application was marked as the answer   
    Please send me a PM with your UDID so I can investigate on what's happening for you.
  23. Rook's post in Cannot verify the integrity App+ was marked as the answer   
    You can definitely transfer, but you still need to wait for Apple to activate the UDID.
    Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  24. Rook's post in iOSGods App Available on Android? was marked as the answer   
    iOSGods App is for iOS only at this time. We are interested in perhaps doing something for Android too!
  25. Rook's post in Order #95031 still processing was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    Apple has implemented a new delay on Apple Developer account activations which in turn affects iOSGods App+.
    Because of this, you may need to wait up to 14 days for your subscription/transfer to be activated or completed. You can read more about this here: 
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