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  1. What's new in this club
  2. Does anyone know what the search gear function do or how to use?
  3. Is there away around getting banned 40 mins in? I started the game with the hack a few times and just get banned almost immediately
  4. Oh Wait Its For Jailbreak Just Noticed 😓 But f*** it jailbreak A12 Coming Soon
  5. Everyone Game Has Been Updated
  6. https://ibb.co/3d2TsDh Everyone Go Spam That Picture On Joka’s Twitter So He Can Update The Game And Fix The Hacks His Twitter @YaBoiJoka
      • 1
      • Thanks
  7. Anyone Trying To Do The Chaos Boss? Level 65+ Pm If You Do Or If You Need Help On Anything Else
  8. What @Joka Said “Yeah I'll try and do it today or Monday. Sorry, taking a break from updates for a few days.“ so we’re gonna have to wait until Monday
  9. You guys think joka will be able to fix the recent patches? Has not had luck since early January it looks like.

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