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About This Club

This club is for you Romanians out there that play games with cheats and need a partner in crime. Come in and connect with others, won’t matter if you’re not Romanian.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Are habar careva cate post-uri sunt necesare sa scapi de restrictia de download ?
  3. Bai TBH in ultima perioada in afara de Archero si HS nu prea mai ma joc. Mai jaca cineva Archero ?
  4. Mai e cineva pe aici ? sau doar .. asa cu numele ?
  5. Hi, my name is Zahir and I like to watch anime and Flash & Arrow.
  6. Buna, ma numesc Dave si imi place sa ma uit la serialul Naruto ? Hello, my name is Dave and I like to watch the Naruto series ?
  7. Pentru cine vrea sa isi posteze baza, clanul, tag-ul, etc.. din LDOE

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