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[Offsets]IRE: Blood Memory v1.0.9


38 posts in this topic

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-infinite mana

-no skill cooldown

-infinite health

-one hit kill

-no flinch when hit


Now I see why you guys always BX LR everything :snoop: so much more efficient


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    Offset: 0x1483F4
    Original: VSTR S0, [R10, #24]
    Hacked: NOP
    //No skill cooldown (beginning of cooldown function)
    1. 0x1E1630
    2. 0x1E1634
    1. MOV R12, SP
    2. STMFD SP!, {R7, LR}
    1. MOV R0, #0
    2. BX LR
    //Infinite health (unlinked)
    Offset: 0x17F498
    Original: BL sub_9053B0
    Hacked: NOP
    //One hit kill
    1. 0x145AD4
    2. 0x145AD8
    1. VCVT.F32.F64 S0, D2
    2. VSTR S0, [R6, #0x38]
    1. MOV R0, #0
    2. STR R0, [R6, #0x38]
    //No flinch when hit (beginning of function)
    Offset: 0x10791C
    Original: MOV R12, SP
    Hacked: BX LR
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