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what can i change to make Speed hack & Weapon Spread on ( IDA )


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hi all can u help me plz :eyes:


__text:000000010028E094 MSPFps$$get_PlayerSpeed                 ; CODE XREF: FootstepManager$$ProgressStepCycle+ACp
__text:000000010028E094                                         ; DATA XREF: __const:0000000101CA3158o
__text:000000010028E094 var_10          = -0x10
__text:000000010028E094 var_8           = -8
__text:000000010028E094 var_s0          =  0
__text:000000010028E094                 SUB             SP, SP, #0x20
__text:000000010028E098                 STP             X29, X30, [SP,#0x10+var_s0]
__text:000000010028E09C                 ADD             X29, SP, #0x10
__text:000000010028E0A0                 BL              MSPFps$$get_PlayerMovement
__text:000000010028E0A4                 STP             S0, S1, [SP,#0x10+var_10]
__text:000000010028E0A8                 STR             S2, [SP,#0x10+var_8]
__text:000000010028E0AC                 MOV             X0, SP
__text:000000010028E0B0                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028E0B4                 BL              sub_1008F4928
__text:000000010028E0B8                 LDP             X29, X30, [SP,#0x10+var_s0]
__text:000000010028E0BC                 ADD             SP, SP, #0x20
__text:000000010028E0C0                 RET
__text:000000010028E0C0 ; End of function MSPFps$$get_PlayerSpeed


get_PlayerMovement ( 90% this is useful ) 

__text:000000010028DFFC MSPFps$$get_PlayerMovement              ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$MovePlayer+58p
__text:000000010028DFFC                                         ; MSPFps$$get_PlayerSpeed+Cp ...
__text:000000010028DFFC var_20          = -0x20
__text:000000010028DFFC var_10          = -0x10
__text:000000010028DFFC var_s0          =  0
__text:000000010028DFFC                 STP             D9, D8, [SP,#-0x10+var_20]!
__text:000000010028E000                 STP             X20, X19, [SP,#0x20+var_10]
__text:000000010028E004                 STP             X29, X30, [SP,#0x20+var_s0]
__text:000000010028E008                 ADD             X29, SP, #0x20
__text:000000010028E00C                 MOV             X19, X0
__text:000000010028E010                 ADRP            X20, #byte_101E5927A@PAGE
__text:000000010028E014                 LDRB            W8, [X20,#byte_101E5927A@PAGEOFF]
__text:000000010028E018                 TBNZ            W8, #0, loc_10028E034
__text:000000010028E01C                 ADRP            X8, #dword_1019FBFD0@PAGE
__text:000000010028E020                 NOP
__text:000000010028E024                 LDR             W0, [X8,#dword_1019FBFD0@PAGEOFF]
__text:000000010028E028                 BL              sub_101712CE8
__text:000000010028E02C                 MOV             W8, #1
__text:000000010028E030                 STRB            W8, [X20,#byte_101E5927A@PAGEOFF]
__text:000000010028E034 loc_10028E034                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$get_PlayerMovement+1Cj
__text:000000010028E034                 LDR             X19, [X19,#0x420]
__text:000000010028E038                 CBNZ            X19, loc_10028E040
__text:000000010028E03C                 BL              sub_10170A218
__text:000000010028E040 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010028E040 loc_10028E040                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$get_PlayerMovement+3Cj
__text:000000010028E040                 MOV             X0, X19
__text:000000010028E044                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028E048                 BL              InputHandler$$get_Movement
__text:000000010028E04C                 MOV             V8.16B, V0.16B
__text:000000010028E050                 MOV             V9.16B, V1.16B
__text:000000010028E054                 ADRP            X8, #qword_101EE42A0@PAGE
__text:000000010028E058                 NOP
__text:000000010028E05C                 LDR             X0, [X8,#qword_101EE42A0@PAGEOFF]
__text:000000010028E060                 LDRB            W8, [X0,#0x10A]
__text:000000010028E064                 TBZ             W8, #0, loc_10028E074
__text:000000010028E068                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xBC]
__text:000000010028E06C                 CBNZ            W8, loc_10028E074
__text:000000010028E070                 BL              sub_101728020
__text:000000010028E074 loc_10028E074                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$get_PlayerMovement+68j
__text:000000010028E074                                         ; MSPFps$$get_PlayerMovement+70j
__text:000000010028E074                 MOV             X0, #0
__text:000000010028E078                 MOV             V0.16B, V8.16B
__text:000000010028E07C                 MOV             V1.16B, V9.16B
__text:000000010028E080                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028E084                 LDP             X29, X30, [SP,#0x20+var_s0]
__text:000000010028E088                 LDP             X20, X19, [SP,#0x20+var_10]
__text:000000010028E08C                 LDP             D9, D8, [SP+0x20+var_20],#0x30
__text:000000010028E090                 B               Vector2$$op_Implicit_73841
__text:000000010028E090 ; End of function MSPFps$$get_PlayerMovement












Weapon Spread Hack

__text:000000010028E948 MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$UpdateAiming+15Cp
__text:000000010028E948                                         ; DATA XREF: __const:0000000101CA3210o
__text:000000010028E948 var_140         = -0x140
__text:000000010028E948 var_130         = -0x130
__text:000000010028E948 var_120         = -0x120
__text:000000010028E948 var_110         = -0x110
__text:000000010028E948 var_100         = -0x100
__text:000000010028E948 var_F0          = -0xF0
__text:000000010028E948 var_E0          = -0xE0
__text:000000010028E948 var_D0          = -0xD0
__text:000000010028E948 var_C0          = -0xC0
__text:000000010028E948 var_B0          = -0xB0
__text:000000010028E948 var_A8          = -0xA8
__text:000000010028E948 var_98          = -0x98
__text:000000010028E948 var_90          = -0x90
__text:000000010028E948 var_80          = -0x80
__text:000000010028E948 var_70          = -0x70
__text:000000010028E948 var_60          = -0x60
__text:000000010028E948 var_50          = -0x50
__text:000000010028E948 var_40          = -0x40
__text:000000010028E948 var_30          = -0x30
__text:000000010028E948 var_20          = -0x20
__text:000000010028E948 var_10          = -0x10
__text:000000010028E948 var_s0          =  0
__text:000000010028E948                 SUB             SP, SP, #0x150
__text:000000010028E94C                 STP             D11, D10, [SP,#0x140+var_50]
__text:000000010028E950                 STP             D9, D8, [SP,#0x140+var_40]
__text:000000010028E954                 STP             X24, X23, [SP,#0x140+var_30]
__text:000000010028E958                 STP             X22, X21, [SP,#0x140+var_20]
__text:000000010028E95C                 STP             X20, X19, [SP,#0x140+var_10]
__text:000000010028E960                 STP             X29, X30, [SP,#0x140+var_s0]
__text:000000010028E964                 ADD             X29, SP, #0x140
__text:000000010028E968                 MOV             X19, X0
__text:000000010028E96C                 ADRP            X20, #byte_101E59288@PAGE
__text:000000010028E970                 LDRB            W8, [X20,#byte_101E59288@PAGEOFF]
__text:000000010028E974                 TBNZ            W8, #0, loc_10028E990
__text:000000010028E978                 ADRP            X8, #dword_1019FBF84@PAGE
__text:000000010028E97C                 NOP
__text:000000010028E980                 LDR             W0, [X8,#dword_1019FBF84@PAGEOFF]
__text:000000010028E984                 BL              sub_101712CE8
__text:000000010028E988                 MOV             W8, #1
__text:000000010028E98C                 STRB            W8, [X20,#byte_101E59288@PAGEOFF]
__text:000000010028E990 loc_10028E990                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+2Cj
__text:000000010028E990                 LDR             X20, [X19,#0x278]
__text:000000010028E994                 ADRP            X21, #qword_101EE40A0@PAGE
__text:000000010028E998                 ADD             X21, X21, #qword_101EE40A0@PAGEOFF
__text:000000010028E99C                 LDR             X0, [X21]
__text:000000010028E9A0                 LDRB            W8, [X0,#0x10A]
__text:000000010028E9A4                 TBZ             W8, #0, loc_10028E9B4
__text:000000010028E9A8                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xBC]
__text:000000010028E9AC                 CBNZ            W8, loc_10028E9B4
__text:000000010028E9B0                 BL              sub_101728020
__text:000000010028E9B4 loc_10028E9B4                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+5Cj
__text:000000010028E9B4                                         ; MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+64j
__text:000000010028E9B4                 MOV             X0, #0
__text:000000010028E9B8                 MOV             X1, X20
__text:000000010028E9BC                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010028E9C0                 MOV             X3, #0
__text:000000010028E9C4                 BL              Object$$op_Equality
__text:000000010028E9C8                 TBNZ            W0, #0, loc_10028EA00
__text:000000010028E9CC                 LDR             X20, [X19,#0x450]
__text:000000010028E9D0                 LDR             X0, [X21]
__text:000000010028E9D4                 LDRB            W8, [X0,#0x10A]
__text:000000010028E9D8                 TBZ             W8, #0, loc_10028E9E8
__text:000000010028E9DC                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xBC]
__text:000000010028E9E0                 CBNZ            W8, loc_10028E9E8
__text:000000010028E9E4                 BL              sub_101728020
__text:000000010028E9E8 loc_10028E9E8                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+90j
__text:000000010028E9E8                                         ; MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+98j
__text:000000010028E9E8                 MOV             X0, #0
__text:000000010028E9EC                 MOV             X1, X20
__text:000000010028E9F0                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010028E9F4                 MOV             X3, #0
__text:000000010028E9F8                 BL              Object$$op_Equality
__text:000000010028E9FC                 TBZ             W0, #0, loc_10028EA08
__text:000000010028EA00 loc_10028EA00                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+80j
__text:000000010028EA00                 MOVI            V0.16B, #0
__text:000000010028EA04                 B               loc_10028ECF4
__text:000000010028EA08 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010028EA08 loc_10028EA08                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+B4j
__text:000000010028EA08                 LDR             X20, [X19,#0x278]
__text:000000010028EA0C                 CBNZ            X20, loc_10028EA14
__text:000000010028EA10                 BL              sub_10170A218
__text:000000010028EA14 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010028EA14 loc_10028EA14                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+C4j
__text:000000010028EA14                 MOV             X0, X20
__text:000000010028EA18                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028EA1C                 BL              WeaponBehaviour$$get_Template
__text:000000010028EA20                 MOV             X20, X0
__text:000000010028EA24                 CBNZ            X20, loc_10028EA2C
__text:000000010028EA28                 BL              sub_10170A218
__text:000000010028EA2C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010028EA2C loc_10028EA2C                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+DCj
__text:000000010028EA2C                 SUB             X8, X29, #-var_70
__text:000000010028EA30                 MOV             X0, X20
__text:000000010028EA34                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028EA38                 BL              WeaponTemplate$$get_FireDispersion
__text:000000010028EA3C                 ADRP            X22, #qword_101EE7D88@PAGE
__text:000000010028EA40                 ADD             X22, X22, #qword_101EE7D88@PAGEOFF
__text:000000010028EA44                 LDR             X0, [X22]
__text:000000010028EA48                 LDRB            W8, [X0,#0x10A]
__text:000000010028EA4C                 TBZ             W8, #0, loc_10028EA5C
__text:000000010028EA50                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xBC]
__text:000000010028EA54                 CBNZ            W8, loc_10028EA5C
__text:000000010028EA58                 BL              sub_101728020
__text:000000010028EA5C loc_10028EA5C                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+104j
__text:000000010028EA5C                                         ; MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+10Cj
__text:000000010028EA5C                 LDUR            X8, [X29,#var_60]
__text:000000010028EA60                 STUR            X8, [X29,#var_80]
__text:000000010028EA64                 LDUR            Q0, [X29,#var_70]
__text:000000010028EA68                 STUR            Q0, [X29,#var_90]
__text:000000010028EA6C                 SUB             X1, X29, #-var_90
__text:000000010028EA70                 MOV             X0, #0
__text:000000010028EA74                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010028EA78                 BL              ObscuredFloat$$op_Implicit_84289
__text:000000010028EA7C                 MOV             V8.16B, V0.16B
__text:000000010028EA80                 CBNZ            X20, loc_10028EA88
__text:000000010028EA84                 BL              sub_10170A218
__text:000000010028EA88 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010028EA88 loc_10028EA88                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+138j
__text:000000010028EA88                 ADD             X8, SP, #0x140+var_A8
__text:000000010028EA8C                 MOV             X0, X20
__text:000000010028EA90                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028EA94                 BL              WeaponTemplate$$get_FirstShotDispersion
__text:000000010028EA98                 LDR             X8, [SP,#0x140+var_98]
__text:000000010028EA9C                 STR             X8, [SP,#0x140+var_B0]
__text:000000010028EAA0                 LDUR            Q0, [SP,#0x140+var_A8]
__text:000000010028EAA4                 STR             Q0, [SP,#0x140+var_C0]
__text:000000010028EAA8                 ADD             X1, SP, #0x140+var_C0
__text:000000010028EAAC                 MOV             X0, #0
__text:000000010028EAB0                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010028EAB4                 BL              ObscuredFloat$$op_Implicit_84289
__text:000000010028EAB8                 MOV             V9.16B, V0.16B
__text:000000010028EABC                 LDR             S10, [X19,#0x404]
__text:000000010028EAC0                 ADRP            X23, #qword_101EE89C0@PAGE
__text:000000010028EAC4                 ADD             X23, X23, #qword_101EE89C0@PAGEOFF
__text:000000010028EAC8                 LDR             X0, [X23]
__text:000000010028EACC                 LDRB            W8, [X0,#0x10A]
__text:000000010028EAD0                 TBZ             W8, #0, loc_10028EAE4
__text:000000010028EAD4                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xBC]
__text:000000010028EAD8                 CBNZ            W8, loc_10028EAE4
__text:000000010028EADC                 BL              sub_101728020
__text:000000010028EAE0                 LDR             X0, [X23]
__text:000000010028EAE4 loc_10028EAE4                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+188j
__text:000000010028EAE4                                         ; MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+190j
__text:000000010028EAE4                 LDR             X8, [X0,#0xA0]
__text:000000010028EAE8                 LDR             X9, [X8,#0x28]
__text:000000010028EAEC                 STR             X9, [SP,#0x140+var_D0]
__text:000000010028EAF0                 LDUR            Q0, [X8,#0x18]
__text:000000010028EAF4                 STR             Q0, [SP,#0x140+var_E0]
__text:000000010028EAF8                 ADD             X1, SP, #0x140+var_E0
__text:000000010028EAFC                 MOV             X0, #0
__text:000000010028EB00                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010028EB04                 BL              ObscuredFloat$$op_Implicit_84289
__text:000000010028EB08                 MOV             V11.16B, V0.16B
__text:000000010028EB0C                 ADRP            X8, #qword_101EE4098@PAGE
__text:000000010028EB10                 NOP
__text:000000010028EB14                 LDR             X0, [X8,#qword_101EE4098@PAGEOFF]
__text:000000010028EB18                 LDRB            W8, [X0,#0x10A]
__text:000000010028EB1C                 TBZ             W8, #0, loc_10028EB2C
__text:000000010028EB20                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xBC]
__text:000000010028EB24                 CBNZ            W8, loc_10028EB2C
__text:000000010028EB28                 BL              sub_101728020
__text:000000010028EB2C loc_10028EB2C                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+1D4j
__text:000000010028EB2C                                         ; MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+1DCj
__text:000000010028EB2C                 MOV             V0.16B, V10.16B ; float
__text:000000010028EB30                 MOV             V1.16B, V11.16B ; float
__text:000000010028EB34                 BL              _powf
__text:000000010028EB38                 MOV             V2.16B, V0.16B
__text:000000010028EB3C                 MOV             X0, #0
__text:000000010028EB40                 MOV             V0.16B, V8.16B
__text:000000010028EB44                 MOV             V1.16B, V9.16B
__text:000000010028EB48                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028EB4C                 BL              Mathf$$Lerp
__text:000000010028EB50                 MOV             V8.16B, V0.16B
__text:000000010028EB54                 LDR             X21, [X19,#0x20]
__text:000000010028EB58                 CBNZ            X21, loc_10028EB60
__text:000000010028EB5C                 BL              sub_10170A218
__text:000000010028EB60 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010028EB60 loc_10028EB60                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+210j
__text:000000010028EB60                 MOV             X0, X21
__text:000000010028EB64                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028EB68                 BL              PlayerActionParameters$$get_BattleProfile
__text:000000010028EB6C                 MOV             X21, X0
__text:000000010028EB70                 CBNZ            X21, loc_10028EB78
__text:000000010028EB74                 BL              sub_10170A218
__text:000000010028EB78 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010028EB78 loc_10028EB78                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+228j
__text:000000010028EB78                 MOV             W1, #2
__text:000000010028EB7C                 MOV             X0, X21
__text:000000010028EB80                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010028EB84                 BL              PlayerBattleProfile$$GetBonusTo
__text:000000010028EB88                 FMOV            S1, #1.0
__text:000000010028EB8C                 FADD            S0, S0, S1
__text:000000010028EB90                 LDRB            W8, [X19,#0x219]
__text:000000010028EB94                 FDIV            S8, S8, S0
__text:000000010028EB98                 CBZ             W8, loc_10028EBF0
__text:000000010028EB9C                 CBNZ            X20, loc_10028EBA4
__text:000000010028EBA0                 BL              sub_10170A218
__text:000000010028EBA4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010028EBA4 loc_10028EBA4                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+254j
__text:000000010028EBA4                 SUB             X8, X29, #-var_70
__text:000000010028EBA8                 MOV             X0, X20
__text:000000010028EBAC                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028EBB0                 BL              WeaponTemplate$$get_ZoomDispersionFactor
__text:000000010028EBB4                 LDR             X0, [X22]
__text:000000010028EBB8                 LDRB            W8, [X0,#0x10A]
__text:000000010028EBBC                 TBZ             W8, #0, loc_10028EBCC
__text:000000010028EBC0                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xBC]
__text:000000010028EBC4                 CBNZ            W8, loc_10028EBCC
__text:000000010028EBC8                 BL              sub_101728020
__text:000000010028EBCC loc_10028EBCC                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+274j
__text:000000010028EBCC                                         ; MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+27Cj
__text:000000010028EBCC                 LDUR            X8, [X29,#var_60]
__text:000000010028EBD0                 STR             X8, [SP,#0x140+var_F0]
__text:000000010028EBD4                 LDUR            Q0, [X29,#var_70]
__text:000000010028EBD8                 STR             Q0, [SP,#0x140+var_100]
__text:000000010028EBDC                 ADD             X1, SP, #0x140+var_100
__text:000000010028EBE0                 MOV             X0, #0
__text:000000010028EBE4                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010028EBE8                 BL              ObscuredFloat$$op_Implicit_84289
__text:000000010028EBEC                 FMUL            S8, S8, S0
__text:000000010028EBF0 loc_10028EBF0                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+250j
__text:000000010028EBF0                 MOV             X0, X19
__text:000000010028EBF4                 BL              MSPFps$$get_IsMoving
__text:000000010028EBF8                 CBZ             W0, loc_10028EC50
__text:000000010028EBFC                 CBNZ            X20, loc_10028EC04
__text:000000010028EC00                 BL              sub_10170A218
__text:000000010028EC04 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010028EC04 loc_10028EC04                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+2B4j
__text:000000010028EC04                 SUB             X8, X29, #-var_70
__text:000000010028EC08                 MOV             X0, X20
__text:000000010028EC0C                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028EC10                 BL              WeaponTemplate$$get_RunDispersionFactor
__text:000000010028EC14                 LDR             X0, [X22]
__text:000000010028EC18                 LDRB            W8, [X0,#0x10A]
__text:000000010028EC1C                 TBZ             W8, #0, loc_10028EC2C
__text:000000010028EC20                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xBC]
__text:000000010028EC24                 CBNZ            W8, loc_10028EC2C
__text:000000010028EC28                 BL              sub_101728020
__text:000000010028EC2C loc_10028EC2C                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+2D4j
__text:000000010028EC2C                                         ; MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+2DCj
__text:000000010028EC2C                 LDUR            X8, [X29,#var_60]
__text:000000010028EC30                 STR             X8, [SP,#0x140+var_110]
__text:000000010028EC34                 LDUR            Q0, [X29,#var_70]
__text:000000010028EC38                 STR             Q0, [SP,#0x140+var_120]
__text:000000010028EC3C                 ADD             X1, SP, #0x140+var_120
__text:000000010028EC40                 MOV             X0, #0
__text:000000010028EC44                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010028EC48                 BL              ObscuredFloat$$op_Implicit_84289
__text:000000010028EC4C                 FMUL            S8, S8, S0
__text:000000010028EC50 loc_10028EC50                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+2B0j
__text:000000010028EC50                 MOV             X0, X19
__text:000000010028EC54                 BL              MSPFps$$get_IsGrounded
__text:000000010028EC58                 FADD            S0, S8, S8
__text:000000010028EC5C                 CMP             W0, #0
__text:000000010028EC60                 FCSEL           S8, S8, S0, NE
__text:000000010028EC64                 LDR             X19, [X19,#0x288]
__text:000000010028EC68                 CBNZ            X19, loc_10028EC70
__text:000000010028EC6C                 BL              sub_10170A218
__text:000000010028EC70 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010028EC70 loc_10028EC70                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+320j
__text:000000010028EC70                 MOV             X0, X19
__text:000000010028EC74                 MOV             X1, #0
__text:000000010028EC78                 BL              CrouchingController$$get_IsCrouched
__text:000000010028EC7C                 CBZ             W0, loc_10028ECEC
__text:000000010028EC80                 LDR             X0, [X23]
__text:000000010028EC84                 LDRB            W8, [X0,#0x10A]
__text:000000010028EC88                 TBZ             W8, #0, loc_10028EC9C
__text:000000010028EC8C                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xBC]
__text:000000010028EC90                 CBNZ            W8, loc_10028EC9C
__text:000000010028EC94                 BL              sub_101728020
__text:000000010028EC98                 LDR             X0, [X23]
__text:000000010028EC9C loc_10028EC9C                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+340j
__text:000000010028EC9C                                         ; MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+348j
__text:000000010028EC9C                 LDR             X8, [X0,#0xA0]
__text:000000010028ECA0                 LDR             X9, [X8,#0x10]
__text:000000010028ECA4                 STUR            X9, [X29,#var_60]
__text:000000010028ECA8                 LDR             Q0, [X8]
__text:000000010028ECAC                 STUR            Q0, [X29,#var_70]
__text:000000010028ECB0                 LDR             X0, [X22]
__text:000000010028ECB4                 LDRB            W8, [X0,#0x10A]
__text:000000010028ECB8                 TBZ             W8, #0, loc_10028ECC8
__text:000000010028ECBC                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xBC]
__text:000000010028ECC0                 CBNZ            W8, loc_10028ECC8
__text:000000010028ECC4                 BL              sub_101728020
__text:000000010028ECC8 loc_10028ECC8                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+370j
__text:000000010028ECC8                                         ; MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+378j
__text:000000010028ECC8                 LDUR            X8, [X29,#var_60]
__text:000000010028ECCC                 STR             X8, [SP,#0x140+var_130]
__text:000000010028ECD0                 LDUR            Q0, [X29,#var_70]
__text:000000010028ECD4                 STR             Q0, [SP,#0x140+var_140]
__text:000000010028ECD8                 MOV             X1, SP
__text:000000010028ECDC                 MOV             X0, #0
__text:000000010028ECE0                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010028ECE4                 BL              ObscuredFloat$$op_Implicit_84289
__text:000000010028ECE8                 FMUL            S8, S8, S0
__text:000000010028ECEC loc_10028ECEC                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+334j
__text:000000010028ECEC                 MOVI            V0.16B, #0
__text:000000010028ECF0                 FMAX            S0, S8, S0
__text:000000010028ECF4 loc_10028ECF4                           ; CODE XREF: MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread+BCj
__text:000000010028ECF4                 LDP             X29, X30, [SP,#0x140+var_s0]
__text:000000010028ECF8                 LDP             X20, X19, [SP,#0x140+var_10]
__text:000000010028ECFC                 LDP             X22, X21, [SP,#0x140+var_20]
__text:000000010028ED00                 LDP             X24, X23, [SP,#0x140+var_30]
__text:000000010028ED04                 LDP             D9, D8, [SP,#0x140+var_40]
__text:000000010028ED08                 LDP             D11, D10, [SP,#0x140+var_50]
__text:000000010028ED0C                 ADD             SP, SP, #0x150
__text:000000010028ED10                 RET
__text:000000010028ED10 ; End of function MSPFps$$CalculateWeaponSpread


6 hours ago, Joka said:

Dude, you're a "Cheater" who made the Hero Hunters hack, right? So you should know xD

I saw ted TUT on youtube and I made it but why do u have a problem ?

Also i think this topic for help if u don't wnat to help me don't write anything plz 


try this for speed  #0 to #0.5 or #1
10028E0 B0                 MOV             X1, #0

movement #1 to #3 or 4 5 6 7 --------------------------
10028E02C                 MOV             W8, #1

Weapon Spread #1.0 to #9.0 -------------------------
10028EB88                 FMOV            S1, #1.0
Weapon Spread D9, D8 to D9, D2
10028E950                 STP             D9, D8, [SP,#0x140+var_40]

get Is Grounded S0, S8, S8 to S8, S8, S8 ---------------------------
__text:000000010028EC58                 FADD            S0, S8, S8


First try noping  "SUB_ 10028e094" and try your hack. Which comes at the beginning of the line.  In order to know if it is a fake offset or not .

pm me for more hellp .

__text:000000010028E094 MSPFps$$get_PlayerSpeed                 ; CODE XREF: FootstepManager$$ProgressStepCycle+ACp
__text:000000010028E094                                         ; DATA XREF: __const:0000000101CA3158o
__text:000000010028E094 var_10          = -0x10
__text:000000010028E094 var_8           = -8
__text:000000010028E094 var_s0          =  0
__text:000000010028E094                 SUB             SP, SP, #0x20
9 hours ago, fahd25 said:


try this for speed  #0 to #0.5 or #1
10028E0 B0                 MOV             X1, #0

movement #1 to #3 or 4 5 6 7 --------------------------
10028E02C                 MOV             W8, #1

Weapon Spread #1.0 to #9.0 -------------------------
10028EB88                 FMOV            S1, #1.0
Weapon Spread D9, D8 to D9, D2
10028E950                 STP             D9, D8, [SP,#0x140+var_40]

get Is Grounded S0, S8, S8 to S8, S8, S8 ---------------------------
__text:000000010028EC58                 FADD            S0, S8, S8


ty so much for replied 

Weapon Spread #1.0 to #9.0 -------------------------
10028EB88                 FMOV            S1, #1.0

only This is worked fine 1.0 i changed it to #9.0 ( No Bullet Spread )


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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      Modded/Hacked App: Bejeweled Stars By Electronic Arts
      Bundle ID: com.ea.ios.bejeweledskies
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bejeweled-stars/id974135847

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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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    • Bejeweled Stars v3.08.0 +2++ Cheats [ Unlimited Everything ]
      Modded/Hacked App: Bejeweled Stars By Electronic Arts
      Bundle ID: com.ea.ios.bejeweledskies
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bejeweled-stars/id974135847

      Hack Features:
      - Unlimited Everything -> Use coins or powerups to gain an unlimited amount.
      - Unlimited Score -> Will give you a huge score once you finish the level.
      - Unlimited Moves -> Will not decrease.

      I'd advise you to complete the tutorial first as I believe Unlimited Moves is bugged on the tutorial, not sure though! 

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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      Bundle ID: com.dreamgames.royalkingdom
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/ph/app/royal-kingdom/id1606549505

      Hack Features:
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      - Unlimited Lives -> Will not decrease.
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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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      Bundle ID: com.dreamgames.royalkingdom
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/ph/app/royal-kingdom/id1606549505

      Hack Features:
      - Unlimited Coins -> Will not decrease.
      - Unlimited Lives -> Will not decrease.
      - Unlimited Boosters -> Will not decrease.
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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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      Bundle ID: com.murka.slotsera
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/slots-era-slot-machines-777/id1133138987

      Hack Features:
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      Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/topic/172023-slots-era-slot-machines-777-v2200-100-cheat-srdebugger/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/slots-era-slot-machines-777/id1133138987

      Hack Features:
      - Debug Menu -> Head over to Settings and toggle the Privacy Policy button.

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mini-soccer-star-2025/id1636072966?uo=4

      Hack Features:
      - Unlimited Coins -> Earn or spend some.
      - Unlimited Gems -> Earn or spend some.
      - Unlimited Energy -> Will not decrease.

      Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/topic/169059-mini-soccer-star-2023-all-versions-3-cheats-unlimited-currencies/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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      Bundle ID: com.chillgaming.combatquest
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/combat-quest-archer-hero-rpg/id1558423382?uo=4

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      - Defence Multiplier

      Jailbreak required hack(s): [Mod Menu Hack] Combat Quest - Archer Hero RPG v1.46.0 +2 Cheats [ Damage & Defence ] - Free Jailbroken Cydia Cheats - iOSGods
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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      Bundle ID: com.chillgaming.combatquest
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/combat-quest-archer-hero-rpg/id1558423382?uo=4

      Hack Features:
      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defence Multiplier

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): [IPA Mod Menu] Combat Quest - Archer Hero RPG v1.46.0 +2 Jailed Cheats [ Damage & Defence ] - Free Non-Jailbroken IPA Cheats - iOSGods
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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      Modded/Hacked App: Mini Soccer Star 2025 By VIVA GAMES S.L.
      Bundle ID: com.touch2goal.soccer
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mini-soccer-star-2025/id1636072966?uo=4

      Hack Features:
      - Unlimited Coins -> Earn or spend some.
      - Unlimited Gems -> Earn or spend some.
      - Unlimited Energy -> Will not decrease.

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/topic/169061-mini-soccer-star-2023-v059-3-jailed-cheats-unlimited-currencies/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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      Modded/Hacked App: MARVEL Puzzle Quest: Hero RPG By D3PA
      Bundle ID: com.d3p.yorkMPQ
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/marvel-puzzle-quest-hero-rpg/id618349779

      Hack Features:
      - God Mode -> Linked. Wait until it's the enemies turn then enable this feature.
      - One-Hit Kill -> Linked. Wait until it's your turn then enable this feature.

      Jailbreak required hack(s): [Mod Menu Hack] MARVEL Puzzle Quest: Hero RPG v264.0.617994 +2 Cheats [ One-Hit Kill ] - Free Jailbroken Cydia Cheats - iOSGods
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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    • MARVEL Puzzle Quest: Hero RPG v320.0.699886 +2 Cheats [ One-Hit Kill ]
      Modded/Hacked App: MARVEL Puzzle Quest: Hero RPG By D3PA
      Bundle ID: com.d3p.yorkMPQ
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/marvel-puzzle-quest-hero-rpg/id618349779

      Hack Features:
      - God Mode -> Linked. Wait until it's the enemies turn then enable this feature. This feature will auto update itself once a new version of the app is released!
      - One-Hit Kill -> Linked. Wait until it's your turn then enable this feature. This feature will auto update itself once a new version of the app is released!

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): [Non-Jailbroken Hack] MARVEL Puzzle Quest: Hero RPG v264.0.617994 +1 Jailed Cheat [ One-Hit Kill ] - Free Non-Jailbroken IPA Cheats - iOSGods
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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