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PuTTY: Multiple processes exist with the name - iOS


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Hi guys,

i have some problem  whit putty that make me crazy :wallbash: .some things like fatal error and killed  application when i set a watchpoint .


i removed ptrace by this command at Terminal

gdb /User/Containers/Bundle/Application/xxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx/example.app/example

break ptrace



but when i attach  to processes its say:

Multiple processes exist with the name "example".


man for the last error u need to reboot ur device bcos u didnt detach the game/app when u finished ur season

and for the ptrace the game doesnt have ptrace i think its bcos u have arm64 idevices like ipad air and ipad air 2 or from iP 5s to 6+ they are A7 and A8 idevices :) usually gdb works on arm64 devices but ofc its buggy but still cool!!! i dunno why urs doesnt work :C install gdb from cydia.radare.org and double check that if u have the compitable Debugserver :) ios 8's debugserver size is 13.1MB... or use lldb on win check tutorials section bro :)

man for the last error u need to reboot ur device bcos u didnt detach the game/app when u finished ur season

and for the ptrace the game doesnt have ptrace i think its bcos u have arm64 idevices like ipad air and ipad air 2 or from iP 5s to 6+ they are A7 and A8 idevices :) usually gdb works on arm64 devices but ofc its buggy but still cool!!! i dunno why urs doesnt work :C install gdb from cydia.radare.org and double check that if u have the compitable Debugserver :) ios 8's debugserver size is 13.1MB... or use lldb on win check tutorials section bro :)

im using arm7 idevices (iPad Retina)

Which app is it?


Try killing it using the Killall command.

please give me full command.

usage: killall [-delmsvz] [-help]

               [-u user] [-t tty] [-c cmd] [-SIGNAL] [cmd]...


im using arm7 idevices (iPad Retina)


please give me full command.

usage: killall [-delmsvz] [-help]

               [-u user] [-t tty] [-c cmd] [-SIGNAL] [cmd]...

killall PID or BinaryName


killall DungeonHunter5

my ptrace problem solved  after reboot


but i have this problem even when i removed ASLR & ptrace

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x1d345a70

my ptrace problem solved  after reboot


but i have this problem even when i removed ASLR & ptrace

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.

Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x1d345a70


read all my last reply :) i mentioned everything in it...


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