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Mortal Kombat X Unlock ALL character use IGG (same card in team,boss card will be soon)

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Posted (edited)



There's an easy way but I haven't found it yet.......the only way I currently know is to change the challenge character number for the challenge and in the store into a different challenge character number and then close and reopen the game, @ilnurius knows more about it than me.


Also to your other question I have all the equipments so I can make a list (but I'm a very lazy bastard, so I haven't yet)......if you scroll down on your kollection in IGG then you'll come to the section for your support cards, scroll past it and you end up at the section for your equipment (where it will list all your equipment and and their fusion lv), scroll past that and you end up at your upgrade cards (where you can change unused special upgrade cards like the bronze ones to lv up cards or just delete them).

An easy way to get the majority of rare equipments is just to add the EAP and starter packs back into the store, you can do this by simply doing an i32 search for the cage family pack 108000 in the current update, then of the I think 2 results that you get that show 108000.0000 or something like that select the second one (usually number 3 if playing without Internet connection or 18 if playing with) as you scroll you will see all the packs that have ever been made available in the store, a simple way of getting the money packs (EAP & Starter packs to show) is to just keep scrolling and turning the number 3s into zeroes......from there you can also add back the Klassic packs and the SJV pack.

Updated by Infinity_0_Loop
Posted (edited)



Thank you for the long reply... Do you think if you changed the current challenge to a previous one then change it back this will reset the current one? Have you tried?


How you can get to the Kollection section in IGG? I mean I can lookup a character and and all 3 cards in the team, But how you can get to the start of the complete Kollection in IGG, is it to lookup the first card in Kollection?


Can you add more info @@ilnurius?

Updated by microcon



Thank you for the long reply... Do you think if you changed the current challenge to a previous one then change it back this will reset the current one? Have you tried?


How you can get to the Kollection section in IGG? I mean I can lookup a character and and all 3 cards in the team, But how you can get to the start of the complete Kollection in IGG, is it to lookup the first card in Kollection?


Can you add more info @@ilnurius?

Yes I've used that method to reset challenge before.


When you change a characters ova/fusion/etc your likely changing it in your kollection, from there all you simply do is scroll, go up and you will find your first cards you ever got, go down and you find the last cards you've gotten up to that point, keeping scrolling down and you'll find everything else I mentioned.


Yes I've used that method to reset challenge before.


When you change a characters ova/fusion/etc your likely changing it in your kollection, from there all you simply do is scroll, go up and you will find your first cards you ever got, go down and you find the last cards you've gotten up to that point, keeping scrolling down and you'll find everything else I mentioned.


This is great, can you let me know how to change the challenge character? :)


This is great, can you let me know how to change the challenge character? :)

The easiest way, do a search using the character number and do a batch change of it to the number you want........this way will unfortunately replace the card in your store (and it will stay that way) and in your kollection, after you restart the game it will load back to the current challenge (in other words the game will re replace back the challenge code) it was indicated that there's a section that can be change in order to keep it from changing back, but i myself haven't really figured it out just yet

So I think all the previous post by everyone, linurius, myself, and immortal pretty much covers how to do the basics, and since I'm once again bored of messing with this game (since there's really nothing to be gained by anything else, rather than bragging rights or just a feeling of accomplishment from being able to do it) I'm going on hiatus again.


Well hopefully the next time I get back at it I can catch up to I linurius and everyone else......an potentially figure out how to get changes in the store to stay permanently.

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