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Mortal Kombat X Unlock ALL character use IGG (same card in team,boss card will be soon)

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MKX v1.13 Codes for Android



(All Updated 1.13)


58411 SlasherJasonVoorheesKP

58412 KlassicScorpionKP

58413 KlassicSub-ZeroKP

48859 ChallengeP

44034 CageFamilyP

52393 EquipmentP

48861 HeavyWeaponsJaxBriggsCP

48862 UnstoppleJasonVoorheesCP

48860 GunslingerErronBlackCP

53241 AllianceP

52080 EliteP

61635 KardP

62800 TutorialKardP

58409 KombatP

62707 TripleTriborgDeluxeP

59343 NetherrealmP

43099 BladeStarterP

53067 FireStarterP

54664 IceStarterP

58410 RelentlessJasonVoorheesKP

56327 SpecialOpsScorpionKP

54294 HolidayPack

42498 2YearAnniversaryP


Early Access Packs:

(All Updated 1.13)


54130 GunslingerErronBlackEA

56326 KoldWarSonyaBladeEA

59423 RoninKenshiEA

51030 DarkEmpressKitanaEA

56013 DayoftheDeadKitanaEA

50379 DarkRaidenEA

59496 RevenentKungLaoEA

56375 KrakenReptileEA

54545 UndeadHunterJohnnyCageEA

43915 BoneShaperShinnokEA

57313 MarksmanKungJinEA

50907 DarkLordKotalKahnEA

56225 KlassicKanoEA

54546 HighTechJacquiBriggsEA

56538 KoldWarScorpionEA

56539 KoldWarSub-ZeroEA

58142 PharaohErmacEA

50286 CyraxTriborgEA

60528 SmokeTriborgEA

59815 SektorTriborgEA

56226 KlassicSonyaBladeEA

53226 NightmareFreddyKruegerEA

55952 ElderGodKenshiEA

62740 SubZeroTriborgEA

58689 TournamentQuanChiEA

42942 ScourgeBarakaEA

62134 TreacherousTanyaEA

55395 AssassinJadeEA


Character Cards:

(All Updated 1.13)


At page 96, you can find how you can unlock missed challenge characters in store.


42932 Baraka Scourge

44160 Cassie Cage

44157 Cassie Cage Covert Ops

44165 Cassie Cage Undercover

51138 D'vorah 

51134 D'vorah Swarm Queen

51135 D'vorah Venomous

51144 D'vorah Wretch

52481 Ermac

52485 Ermac Master of Souls

52490 Ermac Pharaoh

52486 Ermac Spectral

52543 Erron Black Bounty Hunter

52532 Erron Black Gunslinger

53218 Freddy Krueger Nightmare

55373 Jacqui Briggs 

55377 Jacqui Briggs Cybernetic

55366 Jacqui Briggs High Tech

55389 Jade Assassin

55455 Jason Voorhees Relentless

55447 Jason Voorhees Slasher

55450 Jason Voorhees Unstoppable

55477 Jax Briggs

55484 Jax Briggs Farmer

55473 Jax Briggs Heavy Weapons

55480 Jax Briggs Revenant

55661 Johnny Cage

55673 Johnny Cage A-List

55678 Johnny Cage Ninja Mime

55672 Johnny Cage Stunt Double

55663 Johnny Cage Undead Hunter

55860 Kano

55856 Kano Commando

55854 Kano Cutthroat

55871 Kano Klassic

55926 Kenshi

55919 Kenshi Balanced

55928 Kenshi Elder God

55920 Kenshi Possesed

55937 Kenshi Ronin

55996 Kitana Assassin

56004 Kitana Dark Empress

56008 Kitana Dark Day of the Dead

56020 Kitana Klassic

56001 Kitana Mournful

56348 Kotal Kahn

56343 Kotal Kahn Blood God

56351 Kotal Kahn Dark Lord

56344 Kotal Kahn Sun God

56480 Kung Jin 

56475 Kung Jin Bonjutsu

56483 Kung Jin Marksman

56477 Kung Jin Shaolin

56512 Kung Lao Hat Trick

56516 Kung Lao Revenant

56507 Kung Lao Shaolin Master 

56722 Lin Kuei

56746 Liu Kang Dark Emperor

56742 Liu Kang Flaming Fist

56752 Liu Kang Klassic

57147 Mileena Piercing

57154 Mileena Ravenous

63062 Monk

57781 Oni

57949 Osh-Tekk

58679 Quan Chi Tournament

58673 Quan Chi Warlock

58806 Raiden Dark

58801 Raiden Klassic

58781 Raiden Thunder God

59070 Reptile 

59073 Reptile Kraken

59064 Reptile Nimble

59065 Reptile Noxious

59520 Saurian

59712 Scorpion 

59730 Scorpion Hellspawn

59707 Scorpion Inferno

59726 Scorpion Injustice

59729 Scorpion Klassic

59720 Scorpion Kold War

59705 Scorpion Ninjitsu

59733 Scorpion Special Ops

61450 Sergeant

60258 Shinnok Bone Shaper

60275 Shirai Ryu

61287 Sonya Blade 

61282 Sonya Blade Demolition

61295 Sonya Blade Klassic

61291 Sonya Blade Kold War

61283 Sonya Blade Tactical

61763 Sub-Zero

61768 Sub-Zero Cryomancer

61769 Sub-Zero Grandmaster

61784 Sub-Zero Klassic

61777 Sub-Zero Kold War

61773  Sub-Zero Revenant

62124 Tanya Kobu Jutsu

62127 Tanya Treacherous

62684 Triborg Cyrax (LK-4D4)

62694 Triborg Sektor (LK-9T9)

62698 Triborg Smoke (LK-7T2)

62702 Triborg Sub-Zero (LK-52O)

61448 Trooper


Boss Character Cards:

(All Updated 1.13)


You can find how you can get boss cards at page 140.


55855 CutthroatKano (BM*)

59066 NoxiousReptile (BM)

56345 SonGodKotalKahn (BM)

52487 SpectrelErmec* (BM)

59708 InfernoScorpion (BM)

56476 BonjutsuKungJin (BM)

55997 AssasinsKitana (BM)

52533 GunslingerErronBlack (CM*)

55938 RoninKenshi (CM)

55940 SpiritKenshi*

61292 KoldWarSonyaBlade (CM)

56005 DarkEmpresKitana (CM)

56517 ReventKungLao (CM)

58807 DarkRaiden (CM)

55451 UnstoppableJasonVoorhees (CM)

59075 KrakenReptile (CM)

55665 UndeadHunterJohnnyCage (CM)

60260 BoneShaperShinnok (CM)

59722 KoldWarScorpion (CM)

55368 HightechJacquiBriggs (CM)

55873 KlassicKano (CM)

56352 DarkLordKotalKahn (CM)

56484 MarksmanKungJin (CM)

57951 OshTekk (Crushing Game)

52492 PharaohErmac (CM)

61779 KoldWarSub-Zero (CM)

62685 CyraxTriborg (CM)

62695 SektorTriborg (CM)

62699 SmokeTriborg (CM)

61296 KlassicSonyaBlade (CM)

56010 DayoftheDeadKitana (CM)

53220 NightmareFreddyKrueger (CM)

55929 ElderGodKenshi (CM)

58680 TournamentQuan-Chi (CM)

62703 Sub-ZeroTriborg (CM)

62129 TreacherousTanya (CM)

55391 AssassinJade (CM)

42934 ScourgeBaraka (CM) 

59706 NinjitsuScorpion (BM)

56349 KotalKahn (BM)

61764 KuaiLiang (BM)

58674 WarlockQuan-Chi (BM)

56481 KungJin (BM)


*BM=Battle Mod

*CM=Challenge Mod

*Just Kenshi can damage to Spectrel Ermac.

*Spirit Kenshi is the most powerful card in game.He is immortal and he is not a boss character, a gold character so he is visible in your collection.If you want to get him, you will use Ronin Kenshi.



Equipment Cards:

(All Updated 1.13)


12151 Blood Stone Ring

12149 Sword

12169 Hockey Mask

12147 Robes

12159 Outworld Gear

12164 Bound Demon

12156 Execute Axe

12167 Military West

12153 Dragonic Shield

12143 Healing Herbs

12181 Storm Hat

12152 Combat Shotgun

12142 Brawler Gloves

12145 Medallion

12184 Kobu Jutsu Blade

12175 Razor Sai

12157 Gladiator Mask

12148 Shuriken

12163 Body Armor

12172 Shirrai Ryu Kunai

12177 Sacrificial Knife

12154 Dragon Essence

12158 Katana

12178 Saurian Armor

12146 Riot Gear

12173 Power Glove

12160 Soul Elixir

12155 Elemental Stones

12161 Bladed Fan

12188 Wrath Hammer

12165 Shaolin Bow

12176 Red Handband

12183 Shinnok Amulet

12179 Sento Blade

12171 Killer Wasp

12168 Cybernetic Arm

12170 Ice Daggers

12174 Revolvers

12180 Soul Medallion

12182 Subtle Tattoo

12166 Combat Knife

12162 Bladed Hat

12144 Hood

12141 Bracers

12140 Amulet

12190 Bloody Tomahawk

12191 Bloody Voodoo Doll

12189 Bloody Shokan Armor

12185 Cyber Armor

12192 Datusha, Bane Of The Moroi

12193 Devastator

12194 Blaze's Life Force

12195 Freddy's Glove

12186 Tarkatan Gi

12187 Bonjutsu Stuff


Support Cards:

(All Updated 1.13)


60276 Shirai Ryu Precision

53261 Fujin's Blessing Card

56373 Kove

56729 Lin Kue Temple



Note:If you find incorrect codes or if you want to add new codes pls pm to me.I will edit it.


Warning: If you unlock unreleased characters in your collection (scourge baraka, treacherous tanya and assassin jade) or use boss card you will get banned.

Updated by ahmetali08
All Updated v1.13

because you changed the code of character who was already was in one of the teams or you changed the equipment which was alredy allocated to one of the player in team


wow it does work but when i go to kollection it crashes my game everytime i go to kollection or select a team

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      - Infinite Coins (Spend some)
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      ⬇️ iOS Hack Download IPA Link: https://iosgods.com/topic/71443-homescapes-v776-jailed-cheats-3/
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      iTunes Store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gardenscapes/id1105855019?mt=8&uo=4&at=1010lce4

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      - Infinite Stars (Complete tasks without needing stars) - GAMEBREAKING FOR SURE  

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      - @RudePerson For Inspiring Me
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      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/topic/126716-arm64-airport-city-v717-jailed-cheats-1/

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      Bundle ID: com.monstronauts.potionpunch2
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/potion-punch-2/id1463550435?uo=4&at=1010lce4

      Hack Features:
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      - Free iAP (Turn this on and use with Free iAP Tweak)

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      Modded/Hacked App: Slayer Legend By GEAR2
      Bundle ID: com.gear2.growslayer
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/slayer-legend/id1635712706?uo=4

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      - Multiply Attack
      - Multiply Defense
      - Freeze Currencies

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      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/temple-run-2/id572395608?uo=4&at=1010lce4

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      - Free iAP (Turn off all iap hacks before using this, also if itunes popup don't show then run ldrestart in terminal -- This is an issue with the jailbreak not the hack)
      - Auto Run
      - Coin Magnet

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