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[New] CSR Racing 2 Unban Tutorial

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Unban Tutorial CSR 2 2.7.0-2.7.2 (iOS)

Today is an update on how to unban your CSR 2 account. The one on here is pretty outdated and does not work.

Requirements: two jailbroken devices [OR] the ability to run both version 2.5.4 and 2.7.2 of CSR 2 on your device simultaniously. (which can be achieved by sideloading apps using the appsync tweak)

Step 1: Make sure you still have version 2.7.2 with the banned profile on your iDevice, connect your device to your PC using either SSH or a program like iFunBox or iExplorer.

Step 2: Navigate to var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/ in this folder you'll see a bunch of different files, one of which is unique to your version of CSR.

To find out which folder is CSR 2 go to your phone and open filza/ifile or whatever file explorer you have from cydia. (if none i recommend filza)

Step 3: Once in filza navigate to settings (4th icon from the left at the bottom), then to advanced options, and make sure show application name is set to yes.

Step 4: Navigate the file path specified in step 2 on your device through filza, and you should see that in filza you can see the applicatiuon names now, with the unique folder names to match under the app names.

Step 5: Find CSR Racing 2 and underneath it your unique folder name for the game, go back to your pc and find the matching folder with the unique name and open it up. You should see "documents", "library", "storekit", etc. 

Step 6: Open up the documents folder and then the pp folder and make a copy of the nsb and scb files inside and save them to your CSRPacker folder (I don't wanna put a random link to a CSR packer if you google it you’ll find it chances are if you're doing this tutorial you already have it and know how to nsb edit anyway, but the first part was if you weren't sure, and to be thorough.)

Step 7: Unpack the nsb folder using the CSRPacker (again if your unfamiliar with this google it or ask questions and I’ll help to the best of my ability.), once unpacked it should be a .txt file rename this file to something that will let you know its the old banned profiles nsb like "nsb-banned".

Step 8: Delete that version of CSR 2 off you device, and create a new Apple ID with a completely new email, and go into your settings on your device, and make sure that you log out of iTunes & App Store, and Game Center, and log them back in with the new apple ID you just created! This step is VERY important.

Step 9: Redownload version 2.7.2 of CSR back onto the device ONLY after you've logged into your new apple ID in game center AND iTunes and app store! (CSR should not have an icon like it's been in your cloud when you go to redownload it if you did the tutorial right up to this point!)

Step 10: Open up the fresh install of CSR (it may or may not say your banned, if it does, just disregard it, it will be lifted shortly after you start playing, just close and open the app a few times). Play this profile of csr LEGITIMATELY, up until at minimum level 7. I recommned level 8-10 (DO NOT BUY ANY OTHER CARS THAN YOUR STARTER CAR!).

It should only take you about half an hour to do so.

Step 11: While you're playing start to download CSR 2 version 2.5.4 on your other device, or sideload it onto your current device! You can do this by either using Appstore++ and choosing the version if your using two devices, or by downloading the appsync tweak via cydia or sileo, and finding the .ipa file on google and installing it via filza onto your device. 

Step 12: When you reach level 8-10 on your fresh CSR game, repeat steps 1-6 to navigate back to your new CSR2 folder, it will have a different unique code since you redownloaded it.

Once there navigate back to your pp folder, and only grab the nsb file this time, and copy it to your csr packer folder, it will ask if you want to override the old file, just press yes.

Step 13: Unpack the new nsb file, open both the old banned nsb text file and the new fresh nsb text files in notepad++, and display them side by side. In the unbanned nsb select from line 7 all the way down to the last line of code and delete it. ( so from "ltosv": 0...." to the end of the file). Then go into the banned text file and select the same thing, from line 7 down to the bottom, and copy and paste that in the spot you just deleted from the fresh file. 

Step 14: In file you just pasted all the old lines of code into press CTRL+F and type in "tcbl" and change the "-1" to a "0". save the new nsb file you just made and close notepad++.

Step 15: Repack your new nsb file and rename it to just "nsb" it will get a warning message when trying to rename it, sayinbg it can damage this type of file "etc" just ignore it and hit continue, it will ask again if you want to overwrite the previous nsb file that was in that folder, and again say yes. 

Step 16: By now you should either have version 2.5.4 on your other jailbroken device or sideloaded onto your current device. Repeat steps 1-6 again to find the directory for version 2.5.4

(if you are doing to dual install method the way to tell the difference between the two CSR folders is if you open the documents folder of each CSR2 directory, one documents folder will be blank, as you haven't opened the older version yet, and that's how you can tell the difference.)

Step 17: if you are using two devices MAKE SURE the device with the older version is also signed into the NEW Apple ID you just created following this tutorial in both the Game Center AND iTunes & App Store. if you're using the same device you can skip this step!

Step 18: At this point you want to open up the older version of CSR on your other device, of if you dual installed, the same device. 

Step 19: If you've been able to follow this correctly up to this point, the game will NOT load up asking you if you want to restore, or anything like that, it shouldn't tell you that you need to update,

it should load right into the game, and it should say the game needs to restart to syncronize your profile, hit okay. The game will reload and you should see your new game you just got to level 8-10 on.

At this point close the game, and end it from multitasking in the backround.

Step 20: Connect to the phone and navigate to the 2.5.4 game directory! Open up documents. You should NOT see a recoveredpp folder! This is OKAY! open up the pp folder, and delete the nsb and scb files in there, and replace them with the nsb and scb files in your csr packer folder. Go back into the documents folder and CREATE the "recoveredpp" folder and drag and drop the nsb and scb files in that folder as well.

Step 21: Reopen the old version of CSR, and now the game should tell you that you need to update! hit okay and it should take you to the app store. DO NOT UPDATE the game. If you're using two devices just close it out of multitasking and if youre on the same device close it from multitasking. Wait two to three minutes, and open back up the newer version (2.7.2) of CSR 2. If you did everything right, the game should load up and say it needs to reload to sync, and when it does

BANG!! all your old cars and progress will be back under your fresh unbanned profiles name!

Comment react if I helped you. Always here to answer questions. 

Updated by DADi
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How come my old hack doesnt work? Is it because the app updated? When i click the head on the side nothing happens. Do you know if there will be another hack? 

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3 hours ago, Brisbross said:

How come my old hack doesnt work? Is it because the app updated? When i click the head on the side nothing happens. Do you know if there will be another hack? 

If u update the game you must update the hack as well

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