Player level boosting / item. Maybe have something like a specific box or item you can open or modify the xp gain from doing a certain task. (Ex. Mining 1 ore gives you +99999xp rather than +10xp. Or opening a box / blue print from your inbox that will increase your level by 1, 10, or 50.)
I would also like to see exact assembly for things like the motorcycle, settlement buildings, atv, etc… Meaning that rather having to go hunt for the items, you just have to press the “fill up” button that adds all necessary components even if they’re not on the player / storage on base.
(Other Ideas)
•unlimited rations for easy refresh and auto search on locations would be extremely useful as well.
•unlimited coins to help speed up the way too long process’ in this game.
Thats about all I have for input, overall very solid game mod! Cant wait to see more from you and what you decide to do in the future, thanks!