Hello, i have the menu showing up in my game and i have unlimited currencies toggled but whenever i complete an activity i just receive the normal currency or the game says Invalid wallet and restarts from last save.
Menu shows up in game however whenever anything is activated it just crashed [Error invalid wallet earned]
Does anyone know how to fix this as i can get nothing to work ?
I have tried restarting the game, trying with and without facebook logged in, different parts of the game / quests.
Game :
Jailbreak 11.1 Electra
I have spoken to other people who have gotten the jailbreak to work for them so i know the currency hack works
https://gyazo.com/915055ff5aedcd434b3d7c04977c2b7e - mod menu
https://gyazo.com/0e8660a45ab34ed8b61fcbea4e01ada6 - error
https://gyazo.com/bce3c0aeb8f4340e539c045b5de9b1a8 - another error