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  1. @L808bro can u mod ffbe : war of the vision for phone user , this mod is really in search
  2. you don't need to look for anything, you just need to add 2 sec delay after god mod
  3. this is just a suggestion: 1 stage = 4 or 5 mob and need 8 sec to pass it u can use god mod - delay 2 sec - god mod - delay 2 sec - god mod - delay 2 sec - god mod delay 2 sec or god mod - delay 2 sec - repeat so there's no need to look for the right time in GG just to fulfill 1 stage you have to be 8+ sec
  4. auto win + stage skip + god mod (without hack speed) https://ibb.co/NLbqkxJ auto win + stage skip + god mod (with hack speed) https://ibb.co/ZxVVkxY only the time is different but the same 14 stages per minute
  5. still same, try calculating the stage clear per minute with auto win + stage skip vs auto win + stage skip + hack speed for me the result is the same or maybe +1 or -1
  6. no , text "clear" speed still same with normal
  7. it just speeding up stage time, and I'm trying to differentiate auto win + stage skip vs auto win + stage + hack speed . only the stage clear time is different, but the number of stage clears remains the same
  8. speed hack not working bro, how to use ?
  9. https://ibb.co/jGrGXF1 I hope you maintain this feature, because this old feature can clear 1 stage only need 1 hit, your new auto win feature need 5 hit to clear 1 stage
  10. this feature is like 1 hit feature, so still need 5x 1 hit to clear 1 stage not like your old autowin,like on 14-50. 1 hit = 1 clear stage
  11. bro you should update new feature on first page so new people know you add more features
  12. update or what ? new feature ?
  13. oh that game.. im already banned lol hehe
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