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Posts posted by Geno231

  1. 25 minutes ago, Froster101 said:

    Crash issues:

    crash on entering rift, sometimes crashes on evolving monster, sometimes crashes in crafting runes, and most of the time crashes when logging out. Tried with hacks turned on and off. Same result. 


    The reason why... it's not updated.... so I recommend getting rid of the hack at the moment

  2. 1 hour ago, Inevra said:

    I often encounter the crashes when I try to hack (really it's just overwriting values HAHA) games myself. Never could solve those issues... so I gave up ? Whatever I can't accomplish with iGG/gamegem/flex I say goodbye and leave it to the pros like you. How the heck do you people do these things I DUN GEDDIT.

    it's crashing because the game mod isn't updated

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