No matter what I do on OSX 10.12.6 it will not work, I continue to get this error: https://d.pr/i/0Tdrn9 ... which clearly makes no sense because Angry Birds 2 is on my iPhone and I can export it as a backup. So the app is certainly on the phone and I am only signed in with my appleID, the only one I've ever used. My apple ID has 100% downloaded the game.
Something causes this to happen, and I believe it is because on OSX you can uncompress the .imazingapp file which . gives you the interior contents, in my case an Angry Birds 2 Folder with all the files: https://d.pr/i/qDyLqH
I then replace the Document folder with the hacked files from this post:
The issue is once that is done, I cannot get the uncompressed folder back into ther .imazingapp format. How do I do that on a Mac?
I tried unarchive utility, the Unarchiver and a few others ... all of them make a new compressed file, they do not add the files back to the .imazingapp file. It appears this is not possible on OSX because there is no way to get it back into the correct file format. The only thing I knew to do was compress it into a .zip, then change the fileformat to .imazingapp but that does not work and gives the error that the app was never downloaded from that iTunes account. I even tried signing out and singing in during that step, same result.
All instructions were followed perfectly, only difference is I cannot use winrar.
Please let me know if anyone has been successful on OSX. Again the issue is getting it back into the correct .imazingapp format. Just zipping it back up and changing the file extension does not work, it continually gives this error: https://d.pr/i/0Tdrn9 even though that error is incorrect because the game has been donwloaded under my account.
Please advise if possible, I'll even pay for this! It would be much appreciated.
Winrar can be used on a Mac but only with terminal, and I cannot work out the exact instructions to do as the video tutorial said which uses it on a Windows machine and has the GUI.
Using iPhone8 with iOS 11.2.2 and OSX 10.12.6 and trying to use ANgry Birds 2 hack listed above.