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    iPhone 7 Plus
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  1. sir i still cant use this app. i get this error. while its verifying app. it says this. plz help. ios 11.1 "installation.cpp:42 Failed to find matching arch for 32-bit Mach-O input file /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.ak2ERz/extracted/Payload/ModernCombat5.app/ModernCombat5"
  2. why am i getting error when its almost near to verifying application. wtf. tried so many times but can not get past it. can u help or not. well i use 11.0.3 has it not been updated for it.
  3. am not able to use this. its shows error while putting the ipa file in cydia impactor after the id and password is given. help. i use ios 11.0.3
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