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Everything posted by RemSideloads

  1. uYouEnhanced got DMCA’d by Google along with other YouTube Tweak Repositories on GitHub. the repositories are still up but unfortunately the IPA files aren’t 😕
  2. Same, was downloading an ipa, and kept getting this error. Guess I gotta use what I got until this problem is resolved
  3. I forgot to show you the concept, so sorry 😅 https://i.imgur.com/DZiBFhI.jpg[/img] I added text under each app version so you’ll understand more about my suggestion.
  4. Hey @Rook I’ve gotten a suggestion for armconverter ipa store. When we download apps from version history how about showing which support iOS versions it uses. The reason for this change is to know which version works on your older or Jailbroken device. It’ll definitely help out! 👍
  5. That’s a very good question, well since I am not able to successfully explain it without messing up, there’s possibilities on separating it like creating a site called https://armconverter.com/sdkdownloader/us/iPhoneOS15.7.sdk <== not real, do not click on it. that’s just an example sorry about a few mistakes about it here and there, but hope this idea helps you a ton 💡
  6. It helps in a lot of ways, most of the time developers build apps on GitHub or other sites, and they are required to use an SDK in order to build the modified app without any conflicts or errors. SDK contains UIKit code which will really help modders out there with their custom apps, it is very frustrating to find sdks since I don’t have a Mac or Xcode
  7. I think we can expend the possibilities of using the Decrypted ipa store with a major feature suggestion! iOS SDK Download/Builder Here me out, this idea is essential for all users who use the Decrypted ipa Store, I do have some I can say about it Building: a Proper way for users to build their modified apps easier with newest sdks, Expends Decrypted ipa Store’s site with this! Downloading: Downloading the SDK is a bad idea so use GitHub to build it in a yml file. Github: best way to do it if it really exists, this does exist https://github.com/xybp888/iOS-SDKs But does have limitions on which version you could pick for your ipa. edit: I don’t know if there was a Suggestion forum or not so placed it here since it is decrypted ipa store related
  8. Well I didn’t know you added iPad support to Instagram, Snapchat & other Non-iPad apps, impressive 👍
  9. there’s a new icon that shows a phone & a tablet on all the apps underneath the right side of the APP NAME is the dev trying to add the icon to show the difference between iPhone & iPad apps because that would be a cool idea if it was true 👍
  10. This url is broken https://armconverter.com/decryptedappstore/youtube I tried downloading 17.36.4 because it brought back iOS 12 & 13 support but for some reason when I do that it corrects the whole website, I’m just gonna guess the site thinks it’s using iOS 14 or version 17.36.3 but I have no dang clue on the problem, I hope it gets solved soon!
  11. Oh so the code to disable it isn’t needed? Alright I’ll see if I can go on sideloadly and modify it’s version
  12. I don’t have a jailbroken device, but I do say it might not work so recently I went on discord and grabbed this piece of code. Someone helped me get it but putting this single piece of code will be hard without needing to use my main GitHub repo or jailbreaking my whole device. or possibly putting this in every ipa? I did my best on not being efficient. Source Code for YouTube App: -[YTGlobalConfig shouldBlockUpgradeDialog]
  13. Update: well the ipa worked! But I noticed YouTube is telling me to update it. this is very ridiculous and I wish I can disable that pop up with a bool. https://i.imgur.com/qBaik16.jpg[/img]
  14. Thanks! Good job! I really appreciate this! 👍
  15. Well, I think YouTube v15.22.4 seems like a version I could get, but I don’t know if YouTube ended its support for it but hope it still works.
  16. Just saw a recent update with this. The feature you added was letting us have the ability to download older versions of the apps. thanks for adding this! I’ve been trying to download older YouTube versions before this cool feature existed! Now Armconverter is giving me suprises now 👍
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