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  1. MeSailesh7's post in Local IAP Store iOS 12 was marked as the answer   
    Seems like localIapstore do works on rootless jailbreak. If you want to use just search in youtube there are many tutorials.
  2. MeSailesh7's post in App binary was marked as the answer   
    if you’re on lower iOS version you can use rasticrac (something like this)
  3. MeSailesh7's post in Unremovable apps was marked as the answer   
    Yeah that happens when you erase settings and data
    as long as you can ssh in your device it doesn’t matter so check if you can ssh on your device then just google how to use delectra then done
  4. MeSailesh7's post in Any way to recover disabled jailbroken iphone without updating? was marked as the answer   
    Am I late for the rescue? 
  5. MeSailesh7's post in Saved game cheat wont progress?? was marked as the answer   
    I am not sure but I think game is synced with game center of the save game shared user not yours, and I presume  you are not the only one who is using this hack so the server gets confused ?‍♀️ and game progress doesn’t gets saved. Anyway it’s just my theory as it happened to me on Hill climb racing 2 save game.
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