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Everything posted by AlyssaX64

  1. Can you give away a free uptodate hacking tutorial instead
  2. No idea, if you didn’t get banned then maybe it’s not detected but I didn’t really do anything to get manual banned
  3. Non jail broken vip one and this both so not sure which caused ban. Use non JB one at home on tablet and JB one on phone when I’m out
  4. discord is anti hacks itll get reported and shut down by trolls every day just stick with chatbox
  5. looking for players epic 3 and above to climb rank with super map awareness
  6. I ordered vip+ like a week ago and then also ordered another 3 months last Friday to take advantage of Black Friday coupon but it’s not showing it expires in 6 months like it should it shows both expiring in February 2019 🤔 https://imgur.com/a/5wgGuCh
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