I got two types of errors when sideloading the decrypted .ipa with igg injected into it on my device or when I sideloaded this build:
The first error I got was:
Sideloadly version 0.28, Darwin 13.1, amd64
Using IPA file: /Users/*****/Desktop/com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2-4.3.2-Decrypted.ipa: c01f2ebe5cc169b1988e963b3bb9ea8f
Will use Local Anisette
Checking iOS version...
iOS version 15.6.1, will mangle bundleID
→ Unpacking com.gamegod.igg_0.3.4_iphoneos-arm.deb...
...will inject iGameGod.framework
→ Unpacking mobilesubstrate_0.9.6301_iphoneos-arm.deb...
...will inject CydiaSubstrate.framework
Obtaining team ID
Using team "***** ********" (Individual) with id **********
Making sure device ID ********-**************** is registered
Device ********-**************** is already registered
Checking private key
Looking up app ID
Using app ID "CSR Racing 2" with id **********
FAILED: Call to afc_file_close failed: AFC_E_MUX_ERROR
Then the second error I got was:
Sideloadly version 0.28, Darwin 13.1, amd64
Using IPA file: /Users/*****/Desktop/com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2-4.3.2-Decrypted.ipa: c01f2ebe5cc169b1988e963b3bb9ea8f
Will use Local Anisette
Checking iOS version...
iOS version 15.6.1, will mangle bundleID
→ Unpacking com.gamegod.igg_0.3.4_iphoneos-arm.deb...
...will inject iGameGod.framework
→ Unpacking mobilesubstrate_0.9.6301_iphoneos-arm.deb...
...will inject CydiaSubstrate.framework
Obtaining team ID
Using team "***** ********" (Individual) with id **********
Making sure device ID ********-**************** is registered
Device ********-**************** is already registered
Checking private key
Looking up app ID
Using app ID "CSR Racing 2" with id **********
Installing 5%: CreatingStagingDirectory
Installing 15%: ExtractingPackage
Installation failed: 0 PackageExtractionFailed (Could not extract archive)
IPA extract failed, let's retry uploading
FAILED: 0: PackageExtractionFailed (Could not extract archive)
I have tried rebooting my devices both laptop and phone. I have also done this on this build but lost the error logs but the error logs are consistently the same with the "FAILED: Call to afc_file_close failed: AFC_E_MUX_ERROR" or sometimes if it goes through that phase I get the "FAILED: 0: PackageExtractionFailed (Could not extract archive)" error.
Any help will be appreciated.