Hi! I just wanna share, i think i found a temporary solution that will work for all.
The unknown error will occur mid game at about 15 mins mark. So what I did is to try and end the game early before this 15 mins mark. You need a good team.
If i start disconnecting due to the unknown error, I have a standby iPad with normal mobile legends downloaded from app store and my similar account logged in. (Yes you can log in your same account on multiple devices just do not be online on all of them together). So if i have the error, I will just swap to that device to continue playing without the hack. By this time, you should have already garner enough advantage (well farmed and nice KDA) to easily win without the map hack.
I don't know, this work for me. I'm a global top player. So i'm damn thankful for this HAHA! Good luck!