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  1. what should I do with the MACOX file (Dream League Soccer)

    DO i only need the Documents file for the hack?


  2. I have ios10 There is no PLIST files How am I supposed to do STEP6
  3. I have unjailbroken iphone 7 and i downloaded the zipped file from dropbox.

    WIll i need to unzip the file or something? Do i not need to do anything?


    thank you


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KiritoMegu


      do i use winrar?

      i am not sure how to do that.

    3. Rook


      You should browse YouTube for video tutorials on how to do that :)

    4. KiritoMegu


      I had success unzipping that.

      I just cannot find the  .plist file after extracting.

      I need the .plist file it for ibackupbot rite?

    5. Rook


      It's not always a plist

    6. KiritoMegu


      I am following your tutorial 

      I am stuck on step 6

      I cannot find a PLIST.


      Do i just chunk all of my files that i extracted (150 items) in the preferences section of my app?


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