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  1. Would be nice if someone could fill my Battlejack hack request. :sorry2:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xBLVZE


      ,,, That is not helpful at all. :cry: It makes me feel impotent cause i can't even do that by myself.

    3. Demi-God


      Neither do i ? When the hack stopped i did too haha 

    4. xBLVZE


      I just wonder why nobody does a hack/update  for this game. We know it IS possible to hack.

      I see many trash game hacks posted these days...

      I think it is starting to be more content than quality content.

      I will still wait, even if nobody is going to do anything.

      I can feel that people ignores me on purpose here, since as i recall, none of my requests has been filled, or maybe 1.


    5. Demi-God


      I don't think its about that its about time and reward, hacking takes time and when the game is online and protected will its annoying u need extra time on and when you do post it only one or two people want it! Its not very rewarding for the hacker that's how i see it but maybe when more people request this game it can be updated ^^ just be paitent 

    6. xBLVZE


      I know it takes so many time to hack a game.

      Some people commented on my request ( amazing cheaters though, not noobs ), i know they were ironic, but i said that i would've donated if someone updated the hack and they answered.

      I am asking like 1 week to atleast take a look at the game... and you comment ironic things on a thread that i'm being ignored all the time... that's not good for me, tbh.

      But yeah. i will wait.

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