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  1. Has anyone used this in the monthly uncollected event?
  2. Just a warning to others - I caught a one month ban on one of my accounts. I believe it was for using a mod in featured arena in the veterans bracket. I have 2 other accounts in the beginners bracket that didn't get any sort of ban.
  3. Thanks @DiDA! Amazing work as always. Having an issue on the latest version with the game freezing/locking up. It's happening on 2 of my iPhone 6s devices that are running the newest version of the game and the hack. I'm still running the previous version on another device (also an iPhone 6s) and I'm not having any problems there. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  4. My mistake, I was still running 13.0.9. Didn't realize 13.0.1 had come out until I was forced to download a new client version after maintenance. Thanks!
  5. @DiDA Another update to the game was released after the maintenance tonight. When possible, would you mind updating the mod? Thanks for all you do.
  6. Are you referring to authenticating with the Kabam servers? Or some other type of security check? The game appears to work almost completely offline, sending fight data packets to Kabam after a fight is finished. The Coperius mod and the mod updated here for iOS will get you banned if used in the wrong areas of the game. Seems that Kabam only checks high-end content though. "Wrong" areas being the newest content, or anything Alliance-related. Looking at the code for MCoC mod, he simply used functions already available in the game - probably for developer/QA testing. Options like turning off NPC attack, increasing base damage, etc. It's a unity game, and none of the code appears to be encrypted that I've looked at so far. At first glance, it looks like he created an in-game menu to turn some of these functions on or off, but didn't modify any other sections of the game.
  7. lol, yes, that would be useful.
  8. I haven't been able to find a working mod for Marvel Contest of Champions for Android since Coperius stopped updating his mod. I started to compare the current game to his last mod using .NET Reflector by looking at the Assembly-CSharp.dll and Assembly-CShartp-Firstpass and his code appears to be laid out really well. It's in a separate namespace named "Mcocmod". He may have modified other parts of the file though. The mod worked by hitting pause while in a fight, and you were able to turn on/off certain functions of the game from there. That's about as far as I've gone so far. In reading the tutorials on this site, I'm basically wondering if it's possible to extract just the code under the namespace(s) he created, and inject it into a current version of the game. Really doubt it's that simple though.
  9. Would it be bad form to borrow his code from the last apk he created a mod for? Not that I'd be able to do it probably...
  10. The new version has been out for about 8 hours now and no update? OMG
  11. I'd almost completed exploring LoL. Took them about 2-3 weeks to actually ban me. I think they check LoL logs periodically.
  12. 400-600. That account was banned though, lol.
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