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  1. syto203's post in unable to package was marked as the answer   
    F*CK ME the log is saying it and i only focused on the underscore. "lowercase alpanums".
  2. syto203's post in Mod Menu compile error was marked as the answer   
    according to this https://github.com/theos/sdks/issues/10
    it seems the issue was solved in sdk 11.2 and since it might produce other problems in later sdk it wasn’t implemented in any going further.
    installing the 11.2 SDK solved it.
  3. syto203's post in How to Add DLG in Game was marked as the answer   
    here you go
    note: for DLG you need the second .dylib located in:
    /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/DLGMemorInjectedBundle.bundle/DLGMemor.dylib steps:
    1) get your decrypted ipa. 2) download "Peeko tweak for non-jailbroken devices" and extracts it https://github.com/andugu/Peeko 3)get the tweak's .dylib you want to inject. 4) get your provisioning profile (.mobileprovision). if you don't know how google it. 5) place the dylib and ipa inside the extracted Peeko-master folder. 6)create a new folder inside "Peeko-master" and call it "obj" 7)place the .dylib inside "obj" and rename it "Peeko.dylib". 8) in terminal cd into The Peeko-master folder. 9)type this [./patchapp-1.sh patch IPA-FILE.ipa profile.mobileprovision] 10)wait for the process to finish and at the end it'll produce a new ipa in the Peeko-master directory ending with "-patched.ipa" \ 11)open cydia impactor and sideload it to your device. 12)Enjoy!!!  
  4. syto203's post in debugserver game crash after $c or $n was marked as the answer   
    the problem was with a wrong ASLR value. according to the guide it seemed like it was the 5th bit from the right as in
    0x0000000102f2c000 i thought it was "2c000" which is wrong. The correct value is "2f2c000" or it's the value after the first "1" bit from the left.
    0x000000010102D456 the ASLR would be "102D456".
    thanks @K_K for helping out.
    btw, debugserver works fine on iOS 12.1.2 w/ Unc0ver JB didn't try chimera.
    on Unc0ver you need to enable "allow task" from it's options before jailbreaking
    on chimera if i remember correctly uses jailbreakd to grant "task for pid" to processes
    so sth like ".path/to/jailbreakd binary-name" might work.
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