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Posts posted by zorodeee

  1. I am new to this and I am totally lost in all these materials.

    I am trying to learn how to hack a game like Mortal Kombat X with a non-jail broken device.

    I want to edit some attributes in the game like souls or coins and don't want to update everything.

    I am not sure which of these tools I should use and what method would work with this game since every game is different , and what files should I modify.

  2. On 5/21/2016 at 1:36 AM, Eternal Flame said:

    For those who get banned EASILY (because with a very detailed check any of us can end up getting banned).


    1. Stop using cards you shouldnt have (DELK, LJT, UCCC, CJB)

    2. Stop hacking your account while the games connected to the Internet

    3. Stop going back and hacking your account again and again

    4. Stop using the same username you use on hacker sites (there's more than a few of you whose Ingame username I could search for and find you on hacker sites asking for your account to be hacked, and I'm certainly not the only one whose noticed)

    5. Stop giving yourself crazy amounts of souls/gold/blood rubies

    6. Stop giving yourself maxed out cards, when you haven't yet changed your account lv to max (51)

    7. Stop forgetting to change your characters xp to zero when you change its lv to 50 (seriously lv 50 is the maxed lv, so there's no way your card should still show it has gained xp once it's at lv 50)

    8. Stop grinding in FW like your life depended on it, you already can get everything you want so just play the game for fun and stop trying to reach #1.


    Last but not least no one has yet shown a way to unban an account, but you can likely get an account not currently tied to a wbid unbanned by hex editing it's identifying values, such as the account ID you see when in the settings menu. The ID in the local save has to match the ID in the plist file, so either figure out how to do it or just take your loses and create a new account.

    I've hacked a few accounts and only ever had 2 accounts get banned, both after either giving myself millions of souls or hacking my souls and data while the game was connected to the Internet, so likely those were automatic bans because the system detected abnormalities in my account.

    I am editing my .plist file to change the number of souls from 245 to 2500 so it wouldn't get detected.

    its my .plist file so it has the right account ID

    I am trying to find the souls and koins variables but not sure which ones are they, can you please help ?


  3. On July 3, 2015 at 2:11 AM, GodlyOne said:


    Exactly. Plus I did do search and nothing so yeah.


    I tried one of the hacks avaliable and it turned the game to ridiclious game with everything avaliable, and I also got banned.

    all what I want to do is to get a couple of thousands of souls to upgrade some of the characters and keep everything else as is.

    which file I should modify and how can I edit this file, I am using a Non jailbroken device ?


  4. On January 23, 2016 at 12:05 AM, immortalfrozen93 said:

    secret :D

    I tried one of the hacks and it turned the game to ridiclious game with everything avaliable, and I also got banned.

    all what I want to do is to get a couple of thousands of souls to upgrade some of the characters and keep everything else as is.

    which file I should modify and how can I edit this file ?



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